UIUC RST 100 - Equity in Leisure

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RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I II III Core Plus Balance Model Childhood and play Adolescence and their leisure a Physical b Social c Intellectual d Emotional Adulthood a Early Establishment Period 20 40 years b Middle Adulthood 40 65 years c Later Life 65 and over IV Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Equity in leisure Constraints Contact Theory Segregation Models of Integration Current Lecture Reading Predictions of much shorter work week o But standard of living has increased and therefore this has not happened US white collar workers work longer and more extreme hours than peers in just about any other advanced economy save S Korea Japan Usually people who work A LOT are looked at positively but other countries have a different perception on what is considered favorable Vacation time US only advanced economy with no national vacation policy NOT MANDATED BY GOV T o Compared to other countries Example France has like 30 days off other countries 20 28 days off These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o We are one of the only countries that do not have national vacation policy view of vacation time is lagging behind the world Our current work model is dangerous because it does not inspire creativity o We do not inspire creativity due to the lack of free time and a playful state of mind to have the a ha moments It is in moments of leisure that civilization gets created o Model of Aristotle and Plato need free time in order to govern effectively A ha moments occur during relaxed moments when individual is doing something besides work Neuroscience is finding that when we are idle in leisure our brains are most active Technology takes away time of A ha moments due to not being able to have moments of pure free mental time Is Leisure Fair Is leisure a right or a privilege Do people really have equal access and opportunities to leisure services o Prohibited by such examples money location transportation disabilities time to go to leisure services age o People don t really have equal access Discrimination unfair or prejudicial treatment exists in all arenas including RST Video of Bike stealing proves racial injustice is instilled in us Constraints Any factor which precludes or limits an individual s frequency intensity duration or quality of participation in recreation activities o Money inability to do it in ways in which we wish to do it Structural Constraints o Factors that intervene between preferences and participation o Preference and participation constraints in between Lack of money time opportunity Intrapersonal Constraints o Psychological states that constrain leisure involvement impact preferences o Your own means wont let you do the said activity o Common examples include perception of abilities personality religious beliefs socialization I don t like risks or heights my religion doesn t allow that fear of being with a ton of people won t knit because they are in a frat and would never do that activity body image wont go to beach because their body is not prepared Interpersonal Constraints o Result of social interaction with family friends and others o This type of constraint may affect both preferences and participation o Result of social interactions with other people o Common example includes lack of support of activity Whether your parents let you go somewhere influence of your friends have over you boy wants to do ballet but parents influence him that he is not supposed to dance to be a man people support or do not support your actions Demographic Variations Few constraints are experiences equally by absolutely everyone No group is free from constraint EVERYONE CONSTRAINED BY SOMETHING But some are more constrained than others based on sex age income race ability level etc Contact Theory not described in book but should know this The distance between the lives of people who are different creates misconceptions and ignorance o Not as attracted to people that are not entirely the same as us therefore we don t associate ourselves that much with these people and therefore lead to misconceptions and ignorance towards that specific person and segment of group o Examples Muslims being terrorists illegal immigrants not paying taxes gay people hitting on you Information gained through direct and long term contact is more accurate and favorable Conditions of Contact theory o Contact should o Take place in a cooperative context o Be sustained rather than episodic o Allow for fairly equal status o RST settings are ideal for this type of contact Sports video games watching football game choir club going on a trip together all conditions needed for these misconceptions to go away RST is a good environment to get rid of these misconceptions But RST spaces can also be activities and spaces where people segregate by race religion sex disability etc o ARC and CRCE basketball segregated Asian and everyone else o Dining Halls o Church o Chicago is segregated great research ground for people who study leisure activities in those specific communities parks sometimes are segregated Racial and Ethnic Differences Research has demonstrated that racial and ethnic groups often participate in different types of activities o Ping Pong Asians o Basketball Black People o Skiing White people o Backpacking White people o Hockey White people Outdoor Activities whites more likely to participate in hiking backpacking than AA Ethnicity Race and Leisure Of the people projected to be added to the U S by 2015 78 will come from increases in racial and ethnic minority populations Models of Integration Anglo Conformity minorities give up their unique cultural characteristics and adopt those of the dominant group past Cultural Pluralism accommodate differences within a single sociopolitical system celebrate differences current Selective acculturation adopt certain traits for economic reasons language but maintain other cultural values leisure activities food Ethnic boundary maintenance promotes solidarity within own group find ways to emphasize cultural differences between group and mainstream society festivals

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UIUC RST 100 - Equity in Leisure

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