UI JMC 1100 - The Message from our Media
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JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 11 Media Uses and Effects The Message from our Media Marketing or Manipulation Media Today I BIG win for Net Neutrality a FCC to declare Internet a public good II Facebook changes how we Mourn a Like culture changes how people express negative emotions such as grief on the site Last time I Agenda Setting a All about how much to cover an issue II Framing a All about how to cover and present an issue b How you pick apart little pieces and decide what to share Two Types of Messages I News Messages a Focus on objectives information to infor the public II Marketing Messages a Focus on persuasive information to influence public decisions and behaviors b Based on emotions Media need to know us to persuade us I Media conduct research on their audiences to target their advertisements more effectively a Magazine newspaper readership surveys b Internet pop up surveys site registration c Use of Facebook Netflix Amazon Expedia etc Getting to know you II III Demographics a Data variable about who we are based on life characteristics i Ex age gender education income ethnicity etc Marketers match demographics of desired audience to the demographics of a particular media a Latinos are 24 more likely to say they buy new electronic equipment before any of their friends These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Psychographics I Data variable based on what we do a Used to find our attitudes beliefs and behavior b Traditionally measured through survey s or focus group i Now measure via online behavior c Better way to target than demographics Maxim sells it Readership II III 80 use fragrances at least once a week U S avg 29 More than one third of Maxim readers surveyed spend more than 300 annually on grooming products U S Avg 89 But there s a better way than Surveys I Every purchase leaves a trail a Marketers and advertisers collect everything II Target targets Demographic information a Every single purchase triggers an avalanche of information gathering i Target searches and finds your age martial status how many children you have which part o town you live in how long it takes you to drive to the store your salary whether you ve moved recently what credit cards you carry in your wallet and what websites you visit ii Target can buy data about your ethnicity job history magazines you read if you ve declared bankruptcy got discovered the year you bought or lost your house wehre you went to college what kinds of topics you talk about online etc They monitor our behavior I Advertisers have increased their spending on behaviorally targeted online advertising a 2008 7 7 million b 2014 2 6 billion Even our Technology tracks us II Kindle tracks what you read a How long it takes you to read a page b What you skip c What you don t finish Why It s a gold mine III Tells them everything they need to know a Raises privacy concern How Big is Big Data IV Every two days the world creates an amount of data equal to the amount created between the dawn of civilization and 2003 eric Schmidt Google s CEO Not the first time we ve been tracked V VI Nielsen TV Ratings number of people watching a tv show Rating of tv homes total watching a particular show VII VIII Share of TV homes with TV on and watching a particular show Viewing estimate Number of people watching a show based on live view and DVR playback the same day IX Key The higher the rating the more it costs to buy advertising during the program Old Habit New Technology I People are spending significantly more time with television each day through new programs like Hulu Netflix Etc a Consumers credit TV ads as more influential making a purchase decision II TV commercials drive viewers to go online to find out more information Show vecome Targeted at you I House of Cards Based on data analysis a 30 million plays day b 4 million user ratings c 3 million searches II Circles at proven success a Netflix determined the overlap of these three areas would make House of Cards a successful entry into original programming The Net Result I Harder to be exposed to new information products II We are directed to products companies already knew we like III Privacy concerns Conclusion I II III Every internet movement feeds the data machine Everything designed to cater to our every desire Does it make for a marketing dream or a privacy nightmare

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