UA GEOS 212 - Atmosphere
Type Lecture Note
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GEOS 212 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture LECTURE 10 OUTLINE Light in the Ocean The four function of sunlight in the ocean Why the ocean is blue Light reflects of mostly blue Why is the equator warmer than the poles Direct vs Indirect sunlight Changes in light pressure temperature oxygen and co2 as one descends Outline of Current Lecture Atmosphere Dynamics within oceans driven mainly by atmosphere processes Atmosphere 10 km thick Gases Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Water vapor plus Nitrogen Argon Hydrogen Light temperature pressure changes with elevation Evaporation of water requires energy to evaporate Condensation of water e g rainfall releases energy wind turbulence lightning etc Atmosphere huge transport of water sun energy Energy is transported within water vapor Origin of rain and storms in Tucson Humidity as an indicator of water in atmosphere Sun energy on fixed Earth and spinning Earth Simple circulation in the atmosphere 2 cells These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute More complex circulation Coriolis force effect Wind patterns on Earth Real circulation Wind belts Early explorers Current Lecture Atmosphere 11

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UA GEOS 212 - Atmosphere

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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