MSU ISS 215 - ISS215 L6

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ISS 215 Social Differentiation and Inequality Lecture 6 Political Institutions and Inequality In Class Notes Political institutions Influenced by belief system Directly majority believe it s based off religion Indirectly say we re secular but make laws around Christianity Emergence Population growth Older times smart tribes rules didn t affect other tribes Intensive agriculture Extensive agriculture when population goes up so does land Intensive agriculture limited amount of land large population Industrial division of labor Specific groups with certain skills and training Diversity anonymity individualism Society expanded people use to help their neighbors Now individuals see more self importance every man for himself Cultural defense The want need to preserve cultures the way they are Components and functions Components State used to create government Government people responsible to implement conceptual framework Political parties represents government Theoretical Discussion Social contract theory Thomas Hobbes 1588 1679 Believes that by nature we re brutal and animalistic John Locke 1632 1740 Believes we learn behavior by socialism Jean Rousseau 1712 1778 Believes that by nature we are kind and caring Over time individuals in society made rules and regulations to govern themselves Elite theory The idea that a small group of people control political power they are who rule Not everybody in elite category is an elite Only power elites top percent Pluralist Model Interest groups that don t represent a political party but play big roles in decisions Lobbyist educated professionals retired with ties to political parties that they manipulate for favors Mainly always retired politicians Machavelli 1469 1527 If you re a leader act kind humane merciful etc Religions pretend you are one of them As soon as you are in power go to church Use force and cruelty to remain order Avoid neutrality If you believe in something stand by it If you try to please everybody you ll lose everybody Cunning like a fox forceful like a lion Must make tough decisions Use of threat of attack by outsider to rule Scare the hell out of your people Scared people are easier to control Scared people will unite behind you Conflict perspective Bourgeoisie control everything

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MSU ISS 215 - ISS215 L6

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