UA GC 170A1 - Greenhouse Gases
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GC 170 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I The Green House effect a Shortwave vs Longwave radiation i How is the earth heated ii How are longwave shortwave emitted vs absorbed II CO2 Greenhouse gases a Structure of greenhouse gases vs non greenhouse gases i Triatomic Diatomic b Absorption spectrum i CO2 ii H2O iii N2O CH4 iv O3 III Temperature in Stratosphere Outline of Current Lecture II Greenhouse affect a IR Bands b No Greenhouse gases III Energy Budget a Balance between incoming outgoing b Balance budget definition c Albedo i High Low d 30 rule These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Current Lecture I II Greenhouse effect and absorption spectrum a A part of the earth s energy budget A system of energy fluxes representing whether energy is reflected and absorbed from different surfaces and the atmosphere i Absorb longwave radiation IR from the earth surface ii Each molecule absorbs slightly different wavelengths of energy iii The molecule bends vibrates and rotates 1 Radiating heat and emitting longwave IR b A bunch of greenhouses combine to absorb and emit longwave radiation and UV radiation c The blue area in an IR band how the atmosphere absorbs and emits longwave radiation d Atmospheric window no greenhouse gases that absorb that specific radiation wavelength e If there was no greenhouse gases all longwave radiation would be transmitted to space i Earth would be freezing Energy Budget a Balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing radiation emitted by earth b Budget list of incoming and outgoing expenditures i Balanced when the incoming and outgoing are equal c Budget with no greenhouse gases i Most of solar energy is absorbed but 30 is reflected off earth and clouds ii Some surfaces are more reflective than others d Albedo i The fraction of sunlight energy that is reflected by a surface ii Depends on the properties of the surface 1 Dark land surfaces forested have an equal albedo to water 2 Clouds a They are bright white i High albedo and reflect incoming solar radiation clouds b They absorb outgoing IR i Contribute to the greenhouse effect c Water vapor greenhouse gas iii High albedo very reflective iv Low albedo low reflective e 30 of incoming radiation is reflected i Measurements are made at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface by humans sattelites ii Even with an atmosphere a lot of longwave energy IR is radiated out to space

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UA GC 170A1 - Greenhouse Gases

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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