UB UGC 211 - Film - Crash

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UGC 211 1st Edition Film Crash o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Lecture 7 Crash into each other just so we could feel something Opens with car accident Making fun of Asian women the way she speaks racism In gun store owner insulting customer who speaks another language treating them differently second she speaks fine English owner treats her different African Americans using term white people white person didn t get what they ordered at restaurant saying waitress was stereotyping them Couple white women acted like she was cold when she saw two black guys walking on sidewalk Two black guys question why she s scared they say they should be the ones scared They act on their stereotypes and rob the couple s car with guns Couple gets locks changed wife wants locked change because guy that changed locks looks like he was from gang think he ll sell key to one of his homies Man calling HMO office about his father and sleeping problems UTI she gives him a problem about helping him because his father has been treated 3x that month already he asks for her name it s Shaniqua and he goes what a freaking surprise that is African American couple dressed well in car cops come up asks them to stay inside vehicle couple is laughing in car cop says step out of car cop makes him do an drunk driving test wife gets mad at cops she s slurring at them they are both clean cop grabbing up on her and slammed husband against car they were performing sexual acts in car while driving cops let them go couple distraught after event Foreign couple with guns feel need to protect themselves Wife is mad at husband for not doing anything while she was molested by cop fighting about being black and how others think of them and treat them Two black guys ran over a white china man what they call him man is stuck under truck one of the black guys thinks they should drive off other says no end up driving away and leaving man One of the two cops that went up to black couple in car doesn t want to work with his racist partner his lieutenant black denies him I can t look at you without thinking about the 5 or 6 white men who didn t get your job white man says to African American women at doctor s office mad because she can t help him with what he wants her to do his father is o o o o o really struggling with UTI prostrate problem she didn t approve his request said she would if his father came in himself not his son very rude People wrote Arab inside a store where Persian people work this greatly upset them Wife that was molested feels like her husband s dignity was taken away when he did nothing Persian man didn t fix his door when told too getting store taken away not covering any of the damage that was made determined negligence Cop was reassigned racist cop told him that he doesn t know who he is and to wait until he s been doing this job longer Another car accident women that was molested cop that molested her tries to help her get out of upside car she refuses freaks out she doesn t want him to touch her he tells her he won t hurt her finally she lets him help him whole car goes up into flames they both make it out in time

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UB UGC 211 - Film - Crash

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