UI JMC 1100 - Diffusion of Innovations
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JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 7 Media Uses and Effects Diffusion of innovations Media Today I Walking guy gets his car a 19 year old college students makes donation page b Where did the rest of the money go II Upskirting the Issue a Not considered a crime b Difference between legal and not illegal i Legal wont get in trouble with the law society is okay ii Not illegal no rules but not okay with society c How does it not qualify as child porn i Laws as written did not cover this issue Last Time I II III Experiments Margin of Error Give or Take Correlation vs Causality a Causality gold standard Today I II III How we adopt innovation Which adopter are you How innovation is spread a Started right in Iowa Innovation of Diffusion Research Starts in Iowa I ISU researches conduct a Iowa Hybrid Seed Corn Study i Brand new hybrid corn seed available in 1928 ii Increase corn yields and withstand drought II By 1941 the corn had been adopted by almost 100 percent of Iowa farmers a Took farmers 13 years to adopt new seed innovation i Stunned researchers III But why didn t people adopt it quickly So what happened I Researches plotted adoptions trends and found patterns of adoption 1 Mass media initial information source These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i What if they don t produce 2 Interpersonal conversations later i Talked to friends 3 Difficult to change habits farmers skeptical i Watched others use seeds Everett Rogers 1931 2004 I II III IV V Grew up on farm in Carroll Iowa Got an agriculture degree from Iowa State Wondered why his dad was open to advances in machinery but not hybrid corn Wrote a book Diffusion of Innovations Innovation is a An idea practice or object perceived as new by an individual VI Diffusion is a How society members communicate an innovation through certain channels over time VII Diffusion is influenced by a When a person learns about the innovation b When you actually adopt the innovation i Ex downloading an app c When the person interacts with others in a social network i Ex Bragging about the new IPhone openly discussing How do we make adoptions decisions 5 stages of adoption 1 Knowledge a First we are exposed to an innovations existence and start to understand how it functions i Snap chat and how it works 2 Persuasion a We form a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the innovation i Volt is better for the environment and saves gas ii Non hybrids less expensive to fix and better for long distance 3 Decision a We take actions that help us choose to adopt or reject innovation i Talk with family friends ii Look at the market iii Test drive a few cars 4 Implementation a We put innovation to use i Start using product in daily life ii Talk to other people about it 5 Confirmation a We seek reinforcement for our decision i Look for support in our social groups ii Get to use carpool lane iii Gov incentives for hybrid owners Common Pattern to Adoption I Few people start and then BANG innovation Who is Adopting 1 Innovators a Venturesome b Ready to try new things c Usually in a clique d Multicultural group 2 Early Adopters a Usually opinion leaders b More local less multicultural c Very willing to try new innovations d Well respected in their communities 3 The Early Majority a Don t like to adopt right away b Like to deliberate before deciding c Legitimize an innovation d Show the usefulness of an innovation 4 The Late Majority a Skeptical and cautious b Wait until most people have adopted c Often influenced by peer social pressure i Will rely on others 5 The Laggards a Tied to the past b Traditional c Reluctant to try new things d Sometimes can take so much time the innovation becomes outdated Implications II III Media messages influence people differently a Support for limited effects and opinion leaders Applications beyond theory a Marketing advertising PR b Political campaigns policy c Health and science

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