UB UGC 211 - White Privilege

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UGC 211 1st Edition Lecture 5 White Privilege Article 6 Textbook o Unconscious of a bunch of privileges she has o 26 privileges that she has done nothing to earn them o People of color are put at disadvantage in many ways o Active racism racial slurs in face o Passive racism unconscious you re being racist or more subtle o Moving sidewalk running on it fast active racism stand on sidewalk passive racism not doing anything to go forward but still going forward o Myth of meritocracy o Example White people can choose blemish cover or bandages in flesh color and have them more or less match my skin Racists Stereotyping in the English Language By Robert Moore o Blackly angrily o Blacken defame o Black outlook pessimistic o Black hearted malevolent o Black mark detrimental fact o Black sheep deviant o White lie not intending to cause harm o White wash cover up or gloss over crimes o How we view words in our language implicates how we view others and way of life overall o Primal connotation of black being night scary and white being night day o But also possibly to skin tone o Racial slurs still used today o Words out of favor colored oriental o Elementary and high school textbooks have incorrect or omitted information o At first the slaves worked the cane and they got only food for it Now men work the cane and get money o Passive voice can make people of color disappear o Culturally deprived Underdeveloped Economically disadvantaged place responsibilities of their own conditions on those being described o It s blaming the victim and now explaining how they got in the situation o By changing certain words presents a whole new different view of looking at a situation that has happened or is continuing to happen o Loaded words reflect Euro centric history and reflect a judgment value o How people of color are depicted in cartoons and children books speaking is often racist use of black and white stereotypes o Makes people of color seem less intelligent and less capable than Englishspeaking white characters What is Word Reclamation o Taking the sting out of the slur o Example slut use it to mean something positive changing the meaning of it or using in a different way o Effective way of making slurs less harmful o Only the members that have been affected by the reclaimed word slur can use it The N Word o Paula Dean uses that word says she hears black people call each other that all the time questions why she can t use it o Used daily some people don t care if it s used some care a lot

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UB UGC 211 - White Privilege

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