UIUC RST 100 - Chapter 1 - Meanings from History

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RST 100 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV V Optimal Level of Arousal Sensation Seeking Theory Reversal Theory Self as Entertainment Anti Structure Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Outline Review of leisure during history Ancient Egyptian Period Greek Period Roman Period Middle Ages Current Lecture Historical Review of Leisure In order to fully understand leisure today we need to understand its historical context How has the meaning of leisure changed How was leisure been used What are consistent themes I clicker pursuit of scholarship was considered the most ideal version of leisure Ancient Egypt Competitions popular Leisure activities based on social class o Also prevalent today Music drama dance flourished orchestras gave elaborate performances These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Bullfights and gymnastic exhibitions o Bodily competition and activities associated to animals Slaves played a big role in entertainment and leisure o Taught to play instruments juggle participate in the competitions Chess checkers backgammon started during this period of time Drinking and gambling popular activities Feasts were common o Eat until couldn t eat anymore and then vomit it out to eat more food after Ancient Greece Leisure had an important role in society Ideal Leisure I clicker question pursuit of scholarship reading thinking debating discussing studying Term for leisure schole to use free tie wisely for oneself being occupied in something desirable for its own sake music poetry debate inquiry physical activity Symospiums drinking games with dice entertained also by acrobats and musicians typically among the upper class Viewed leisure as the ultimate purpose of life there was no loftier pursuit Work defined as the state of being unleisurly Slave class supported leisure class o About 1 3 of population Society divided between those who were free and those who were slaves o School would be considered ideal leisure during the Ancient Greek times Most leisure opportunities were reserved for rich free men only o Women were meant to be behind closed doors Slaves supported the leisure class women considered lesser beings and the poor were occupied with survival Thus small minority of population enjoyed ideal leisure Plato Plato leisure was freedom for engagement with culture These qualities were what was needed for political leisure Aristotle Leisure is time free from the necessity of work the highest human activity Proposed a leisure class be supported by the underclass in order to assure a wise and just government Leisure is free time to govern and to prepare to govern Olympics First 13 Olympics involved a foot race of about 180 meters Began as a religious celebration to Zeus a religious event Women were not supposed to view the event except Priestess of Demeter Crowned in Olive Wreath local heroes who would be looked after by their community Different countries that were at war with eachother they had to state that they would put aside their differences Later horse races lifting weights boxing javelin discuss wrestling long jump In 393 AD the Emperor ordered the games ended because of decline in interest and quality Theodosius I Peirre du Cobertin French man who revived the Olympics o Participants just wanted money No games held for over 1000 years Some indication for Olympic games for UNMARRIED women o Much less is known about this event Ancient Rome Romans adopted many of the activities of Ancient Greece But civilizations were very differed In the beginning a little free time but later wealth and free time increases Used a slave class to tend to their personal pleasures self indulgencies and hedonistic ways The normal practices were to be entertained to exercise bathe eat and drink o NOT SCHOLARSHIP unlike Greece Body fixation physical activity and fitness important o Oils Jewelry Piercings Baths Over 800 public baths in Rome hot rooms cold rooms swimming baths tracks ball courts libraries also parks sport arenas play fields Political threat of mass uprising was concern to the rulers o Fear of slave uprising due to small elite Mass Leisure used to quiet nonproductive masses Leisure used as a form of social control o Keep the lower classes entertained Bread and Circuses Social control Holidays prevalent 175 by 354 AD o Different sporting competitions etc all to keep people happy Sports emphasized human combat often ending in death o Import different types of animals and beasts to compete o Bloody and violent Large arenas holding up to 385 000 people o People would stand not sit Sea Battles staged outside Rome in lake o Included battle 30 50 ships it is recorded that 19 000 boarded ships and 3000 died in one day Prostitution and gambling were licensed by state Drugs and alcohol societal problem The working day towards the end of the empire began at day break and ended by noon o People had a lot of free time on their hand o Some historians claim that some people didn t know how to handle their massive amount of leisure Middle Ages Life was difficult war disease and famine kept population small Average lifespan 30 years Catholic church eventually became the main civilizing force Christians condemned hedonistic wars of life Salvation was through self deprivation o Deprive oneself from pleasure Many forms of pleasure were seen as evil Many aspects of the Roman life were forbidden Stadiums amphitheaters and baths were destroyed Passive spectatorship of bloody sports was viewed unfavorably Dignity of labor was stressed Idleness is the great enemy of the soul need to keep people busy Emergence of the work ethic o Still prevalent today o Keep people busy kids college students Manual labor and sacred readings were encouraged People did play despite the church s power and rules Leisure depended on one s class o Nobleman upper class Riding and hunting Hunting preserves established for the wealthy Mock fighting between knights Games Entertained in their castles minstrels acrobats jugglers storytellers Social drinking and gambling o Vassals lower class Less free time working Dancing singing partying Village feasts and sports throwing weights cockfighting bull baiting Use of animals once again Ball games and wrestling matches Even though they were working still found ways to entertain themselves Despite church s attempts to kill hedonistic ways were not

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UIUC RST 100 - Chapter 1 - Meanings from History

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