UA GC 170A1 - Radiation Laws
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GC170 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Ecological Footprint Assignment a Homework explanation II Carbon footprint a Why is it important b How are we all participating III The greenhouse effect a When and how is CO2 absorbed IV Radiation laws a 4 laws i Explanations Outline of Current Lecture I Radiation Laws a Inverse Square Law b Planck Function c Wien s Law d The Stefan Boltzman Law II Atmospheric Structure a Four Layers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Troposphere ii Stratosphere iii Mesosphere iv Thermosphere III Greenhouse effect IV Heat Transfer a Conduction b Convection c Radiation Current Lecture I II Radiation Laws a Inverse Square Law b Planck Function i Relates intensity of radiation to the wavelengths emitted by a blackbody c Wien s Law i Maximum radiation flux peak d The Stefan Boltzman Law i Total energy and temperature ii Proportional to the body s temperature iii Total energy equals the energy emitted along all wavelengths iv E oT4 e As the temperature increases the shorter the wavelength becomes Atmospheric Structure a Four layers i Troposphere 0 10km 1 Temperature decreases with altitude 2 Ex Mt Lemmon 3 Warm at bottom cold at top 4 Most of the greenhouse gases are concentrated 5 Decreasing temperature 6 Composition a Nitrogen 78 Oxygen 21 Argon 0 9 Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide i CO2 and H2O are greenhouse gases ii Stratosphere III IV 1 Ozone Layer 2 Increasing temperature iii Mesosphere 1 Decreasing temperature iv Thermosphere 1 Increasing temperature b Temperature varies with height The Greenhouse Effect a Earth absorbs solar shortwaves b Earth emits longwave radiation c Longwaves absorbed by greenhouse gases d Greenhouse gases re emits energy e Lower atmosphere is heated Heat Transfer a Thermal energy heat microscopic movement of molecules in a substance i Molecules have kinetic energy which is what is converted to heat ii The warmer the substance the faster the molecules move b Conduction i Direct contact between two things ii Heat goes from a warmer object to a cooler object c Convection i Movement within a fluid gases or liquids d Radiation i Electromagnetic waves ii Electromagnetic energy is not heat energy it becomes heat when it is absorbed by the object and sets the molecules in motion iii Ex barbecue grill e Heat causes expansion of a substance f The troposphere is very unstable weather occurs in this layer i IR radiated off the earths surface heating from below ii Air is warmed and expands iii Becomes less dense and rises iv Cooler air sinks and replaces it

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UA GC 170A1 - Radiation Laws

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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