BIOL 120 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I No notes taken Outline of Current Lecture II Introduction of Chapter III A Definition of science biology Criteria for living versus non living organisms IV Fundamental Questions in Biology The Science of Life V Hierarchy of living systems beginning A definition of Population Species Community Ecosystem Biosphere Current Lecture II Introduction of Chapter A Science a process of inquiry that includes repeated observations and testable hypothesis 1 Several Branches a Biology chemistry physics astronomy etc B Biology study of living things life III Criteria for a living organism versus a non living organism A This section goes into detail about what classifies an organism as truly living A living organism can be defined as being made up of units or cells that are able to divide and produce more cells This information is received from the DNA and is needed in order for cells to copy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute themselves Also organisms should be able to reproduce and they need energy Most energy for life is provided by the sun through photosynthesis B The follow classifications if meet declare an organism as living 1 Living a Living organisms consist of one or more cells the basic unit of life b The following are present in all cells i Macromolecules large molecules 1 Nucleic acids proteins carbohydrates and lipids ii Micro molecules smaller parts of macromolecules 1 Nucleotides amino acids sugars fatty acid 2 Need for Energy a Nothing will happen without energy 3 Metabolism a Uses energy to grow and reproduce b Photosynthesis and respiration capture energy and can convert from one form to another i Photosynthesis taking light energy and making it chemical energy a Produces oxyen b CO2 H2O C6H12O6 H2O O2 ii Respiration creates carbon dioxide and ATP energy a C6H12O6 O2 CO2 H2O ATP 4 Sensing and responding to environment a Can sense surroundings and can make controlled and compensatory responses i Homeostasis maintain internal environment i e controlling body temperature 5 Has Levels of Biological Organizations a Microscopic atoms molecules organelles etc b Macroscopic tissues organs organism population community ecosystem biosphere 6 Interdependency among organisms a Organisms are dependent upon each other for energy and raw materials Producers consumers 1st order 2nd order 3rd order decomposers i 7 Reproduction a Organisms are able to produce offspring to continue the existence of their kind i Asexual and sexual reproduction 8 Mutations and adaptations a Organisms can have a heritable change in their DNA C 8 characteristics of all living organismssummarized 1 Living 2 Cellular organization levels of biological organization 3 Interdependency 4 Sensitivity 5 Growth development and reproduction 6 Energy utilization Metabolism 7 Homeostasis 8 Evolutionary adaptation IV Fundamental Questions in Biology and The Science of Life A This section is about what scientist ask themselves when they are considering the field of biology 1 What are living beings 2 What are they made up of 3 How did we come about 4 How did the diversity of life forms come about B Science of Life 1 Biology unifies much of natural science 2 Living systems are the most complex chemical systems on Earth 3 Life is constrained by the properties of chemistry and physics a This displays how science is combining multiple fields of study V Hierarchy of living systems beginning A Cellular level 1 Atoms molecules organelles cells B Organismal level 1 Tissues organs organ systems 2 C Population level 1 Population a group of individuals of the same type in an area 2 Species all populations of a particular kind of organism 3 Community population of different species living together in one place 4 Ecosystem physical environment and the community living and nonliving 5 Biosphere Earth s region where organisms can exist 6
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