UVM NSCI 110 - Neuron Function
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NSCI 110 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I The central nervous system mediates behavior through the spinal cord brainstem and forebrain II The brainstem includes a Hindbrain b Midbrain c Diencephalon III The forebrain consists of six cortical layers that are divided functionally IV Cranial nerves are controlled by the brain and participate in the somatic division of the nervous system Outline of Current Lecture I Dermatomes are body segments that correspond with a specific spinal cord segment II Neurons are specialized in information processing a Unipolar bipolar multipolar neurons III Neurons can be divided functionally a Collecting information b Integrating information c Sending information IV Nodes of Ranvier are located between myelinated segments of axons and allow for salutatory conduction in neurons Current Lecture I II The cranial nerves can be divided functionally a Sensory olfactory optic vestibulocochlear b Gustatory facial glossopharyngeal vagus c Eye musculature oculomotor trochlear abducens d Mixed motor and senory trigeminal facial glossopharyngeal vagus e Speech motor trigeminal facial glossopharyngeal vagus hypoglossal f Primary motor accessory hypoglossal g Parasympathetic oculomotor facial glossopharyngeal vagus slows heart rate Dermatomes are body segments that correspond with a specific spinal cord segment a Motor and sensory effects i i e shingles chicken pox virus lies dormant in spinal fluid These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM III IV V VI VII Neurons are specialized in information processing a Unipolar i Extension bifurcates into one long process ii Somatosensory neurons dorsal root ganglia iii Not many collaterals because of the need for precise sensory info b Bipolar i Two processes most common ii Sensory neurons visual auditory iii Not many collaterals because of the need for precise sensory info c Multipolar i Multiple processes one axon and numerous dendrites An axon may have many collaterals a Dendritic arborization is the system of branched dendrites Synapse includes the synaptic gap and pre post synaptic membranes Functional division of a neuron a Collecting information dendrites b Integrating information at axon hillock i Where the info is converted into an action potential if threshold at membrane is reached c Sending information along the axon i Sent to terminal where info is passed on to target d An axo axonic synapse occurs when a terminal button arrives at another axon e Nissl body in the rough ER helps in packaging proteins for membrane i Microtubules aid in transporting molecules run along axon ii Mitochondria appear more often in axon terminals and dendrites because energy is needed at synapses More morphology a Node of Ranvier occurs between myelinated portions of an axon i Allows saltatory conduction

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UVM NSCI 110 - Neuron Function

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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