PSYC 350 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Early history of abnormal behaviors II Asylums St Mary s III Freud the case of Anna O IV Psychosexual development stages Outline of Current Lecture I The learning approach II Classical conditioning Pavlov little Albert III Extinction IV Operant Conditioning V Concerns Current Lecture The learning approach Classical conditioning Ivan Pavlov The pairing of a response with a stimulus Little Albert was scared of white rats because he associated it with the scary gong noise Black boots and sexual arousal men were turned on by this woman with black boots then eventually they were turned on just by her boots because they associated them with her Extinction expose the individual to the stimulus and don t follow up with the response this process takes time this helps cure conditioning Operant conditioning rewarding the responses developed by BF Skinner Concerns about the learning approach it can t explain all symptoms i e hallucinations conditioning might actually be due to problem solving and cooperation instead of automatic response The cognitive approach Albert Ellis decided himself he needed to overcome his fear of women He would sit and strike conversations with random people His phobia disappeared because he learned not all women are hostile they re pleasant This is cognitive because you do something to change how your mind works Incorrect beliefs can come from stories you hear and experience with others Cognitive Behavioral Therapy beliefs are tested as hypotheses refined by Aaron Beck Concerns about the cognitive approach doctors argue that CBT effects are due to extinction instead of correcting beliefs This is false These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Critics argue that beliefs are the result of disorders not the cause Physiological approach Hippocrates and humors Development of this approach was delayed because they didn t have the right methods to study brain functioning at the time it is still developing We always learn something new about the brain Two components of the approach biochemical problem in the brain or a structural problem Three problems with brain chemistry insufficient release of neurotransmitters under activity of inhibitory neurons Treatments for chemical problems in the brain psychotropic drugs change brain activity Electroconvulsive therapy shock the brain to stimulate it psychosurgery cuts nerve tracts to reduce brain activity
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