KU PSYC 350 - Early history of abnormal behavior
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PSYC 350 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Definitions of abnormal behaviors II Abnormality by culture Outline of Current Lecture I Early history of abnormal behaviors II Asylums St Mary s III Freud the case of Anna O IV Psychosexual development stages Current Lecture Early history says abnormal behaviors are caused by evil spirits that can be cured by drilling a hole in the skull and driving the spirits out through it trephination Disturbed people were witches Hippocrates said that an imbalance fluids called humors cause abnormal behavior Yellow is anxiety black is depression Lunatics were made abnormal by the moon They tested for witches by holding her underwater if she survived then she was a witch Asylums were places of refuge for abnormals St Mary of Bethlehem was the most famous one Patients at St Mary s would interact with one another in a common area and people could buy tickets to watch them on Sundays Scientists thought disorders were due to too much blood in the brain so they would have the brain bleed out that s how George Washington died Other scientists thought drugs like opium and marijuana were good treatments nope Franz Mesmer believed hypnosis was the cure for disorders Sigmund Freud developed the psychodynamic approach to treatment Anna O was a famous patient with many disorders like anxiety and phobias but mainly she couldn t drink water from a crystal glass during a heat wave so they treated her through talk therapy and discovered a past experience with a dog made her conditioned to be nauseous at drinking water from a crystal glass Anna O made doctors realize that a lot of disorders come from early experiences they can be discovered and cured through talk therapy Conflicts and stresses are repressed psychoanalysis recovers those These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Freud completely lied about Anna O being cured this caused concern about his approach You cannot believe anything Freud says Psychosexual development stages oral anal phallic latency genital

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KU PSYC 350 - Early history of abnormal behavior

Course: Psyc 350-
Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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