NSCI 110 1st Edition Lecture 6 A An axo dendritic connection is a standard synaptic interaction B Soma contains all organelles found in other basic cell types C Vesicles are transported down the axon via microtubules a May be precursors neurotransmitters enzymes NEURON CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS D Based on number of processes neuritis a Unipolar bipolar multipolar E Afferent efferent interneuron a A structure can be carrying afferent input or efferent output information even if it does not correspond to sensory motor functions i Relative to the structure in the brain b An interneural site stays within the structure and connects the pathway of information i drawing a synapse draw small branch and circle for body of next neuron ii Pyramidal cells stellate cells Purkinje cells c An alpha motor neuron has an enormous cell body i Found in the ventral portion of the spinal cord ii Have large dendritic branches and axons with large diameters iii Are myelinated F Myelinatedvsnonmyelinated G Length of axon H Function reflex projection ect a Projection neurons have axons that gather sensory info send to spinal cord info is synapsed here and projection neuron in gray matter of the spinal cord picks it up and sends to the brain I Neurotransmitter a Dopaminergic seratonergic ect NEUROGLIAL CELL TYPES J Within the CNS a Ependymal ventricular system b Oligodendrocyte producing myelin c Astrocyte very numerous caretakers d Microglia immune function K Within the PNS a Schwann neurolemmal cells b Satellite cells These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute L Myelin sheaths a Oligodendroglia cells wrap around multiple times forming myelin sheaths around an axon i Has cell body near axon multiple processes stretch along axon b Action potentials only conduct from node to node of Ranvier c Schwann cells form a single myelin sheath i On afferent fibers ii Each sheath is a separate cell as opposed to several processes from a single oligodendrocyte iii Self contained glial cell d Myelin is very tightly wrapped around axons i Lipid layers creates an insulating effect M Non myelinated sheathing still involves glial cells PNS a Cytoplasm of a Schwann cell can wrap itself around a group of axons i Each sheath is still a separate cell ii Promotes health of the neuron provides nutrients b Pencil analogy sheaths around multiple pencils no spaces nodes ASTROCYTIC FUNCTIONS N Some functions a Blood brain barrier b Neural environment regulation i Maintain extracellular concentrations of K Ca 2 Na Clii Located near gap junctions and remove K from extracellular space c Metabolism growth neuronal health in the CNS i Release of nerve growth factor ii Nutrition iii Energy reserves d Structural support e Neurotransmitter regulation
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