NSCI 110 1st Edition Lecture 2 A The meninges are the outer covering of the brain a Allows space for circulation of cerebral spinal fluid CSF b Provides some buoyancy c Provides protection against hardness of the skull B The meninges consist of three layers a Dura mater outermost b Arachnoid layer i Subarachnoid space c Pia mater innermost C Certain spaces exist between these layers a Subdural potential space is between the dura mater and arachnoid layer b The subarachnoid space is between the arachnoid layer and pia mater i Contains CSF D Dura mater reflections folds of dura a Falxcerebri fold of dura between the cerebral hemispheres b Tentorium cerebelli between the cerebrum and cerebellum c These reflections form a space for vascular activity i Superior sagittal sinus ii Inferior sagittal sinus iii Transverse sinus d Sinuses are filled with venous blood returning to the heart E The vascular system consists of a Internal carotid system i Internal carotid artery ii Anterior cerebral artery iii Middle cerebral artery b Vertebral basilar system i Vertebral artery ii Basilar artery iii Posterior cerebral artery c The posterior communicating artery connects the two systems i The Circle of Willis is formed it is an anastomosis reconnection of two streams that previously have branched out connecting the anterior cerebral artery to the basilar artery d The posterior and anterior communicating arteries constitute the Circle of Willis F What happens if there is a weak spot in a blood vessel a A stroke occurs and can result in a ruptured cerebral artery a hemorrhage b A berry aneurysm can cause congenital defects i Commonly occurs near brainstem ii If it ruptures a lethal subarachnoid hemorrhage may occur c Strokes are more likely to involve the middle cerebral artery why These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Because it is the path of least resistance ii An embolus detached mass is the most common cause of stroke G Introduction to the ventricular system a Gray matter cell bodies vs white matter mostly myelinated axons b A ventricle is a cavity that contains CSF clear liquid made by the chloroid plexus i Specialized cells take materials from blood to make it
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