ISS 215 Social Differentiation and Inequality Lecture 3 Conflict Perspective In Class Notes Main Features People in Marxist class use brutal force to control their people Change that comes of evolution is not real change Believed by Marxist Real change comes through revolution Whenever you look at an institution you must analyze who s the benefactor by the way the system runs Karl Marx and Conflict Perspective Evolution of society Preclass Society Otherwise known as State of Natural Socialism No property exploitation inequality People lived in with nature Asiatic Society Early farming communities Property and areas come into play Ownership inequality begun Ancient Society Royal families pharaohs kings emperors etc Slaves became introduced Roman Empire was the last ancient society to fail Feudal Society Private prisons private military etc Empires Rich feudal lords Poor farmers Capitalist Society Rich factory owners Poor factory workers Capitalism People can own property Inequality Cooperative capitalism at first everybody owned the property Not just one individual Modern capitalism owners and workers are different people you don t can t decide what when you make it Forces of production Labor People available to work and know how to manufacture the specific item Raw material Can t manufacture the item without the material Means of production money capital machinery infrastructure technological knowledge how to Mode of production How do we make things Over time we change how we produce things Changes in mode of production leads to changes in society vice versa Classes in society Marx says over time the rich become richer the poor become poorer Gap between bourgeoisie and proletariat keeps growing As one goes up one goes down Eventually it won t be able to grow anymore and it will snap Marx doesn t believe middle class actually exists Bourgeoisie believe people made God out of need in order to rule over others exploit poor people Class conflict Entire societal structure will collapse Evolution of society begins again Alienation Work Jobs aren t guaranteed Product You don t control what you make Workers Different statuses CEO vs worker Self Work because you have to Criticism Everything focuses on money Power is not always the cause of money Social change will lead to conflict
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