JMC 1100 1st Edition Lecture 1 What is Social Science I The point of social science a Understanding of how the world is socially constructed b Humans are curious by nature how and why things work c Helps us understand cause and effect predict future behavior and understand our place in society Social Construction Theory II Key Social interaction and use of language construct our reality a Tries to make sense of what it means to be different b Reality is based off of perspective III Knowledge is limited to our experience a Strongly supported by Immanuel Kant 4 Methods of Knowing 1 Authority a Trusted source I E book newspaper person b Can you trust your sources such as Facebook Fox News 2 A Priori a A feeling or a hunch about what is right or wrong 3 Tenacity a Based on past beliefs and preferences b Limits our innovations 4 Science a Questions beliefs or what is known b Done with observation analysis and testing a Example Thomas Edison failed 1 000x before success Moving from Knowing to Showing I Social science research fills in gaps of knowledge a Seek answers to understand why b Attempts to explain social behavior These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V Study of Social Phenomena a Based on logic and observation b Starts with a hypothesis c Use a scientific method Hypothesis Educated guess Theory Statements that predicts a relationship between concepts of social phenomenon a Predicts and explains behavior of evidence Law explanation for phenomenon that is constant a Very rare in media social behavior changes too much 5 Characteristics of Scientific Methods 1 Research is public not private a Research is unbiased and published i Contributes to the sum of human knowledge b Private research has an agenda and is biased c Research is conducted by many corporations political causes and political candidates i Purpose to convince you to buy the product and their perspective 1 Example Oxy Clean 2 Scientific research is objective a Methods increase ruling out bias opinions 3 Empirical a Measurable 4 Cumulative a Knowledge built on previous knowledge i Example Smartphone built off of first phone 5 Predictive a Propose hypothesis b Create theory Benefits of Scientific Method I II III Modern science reveals truth about highly addictive drugs Info only as good as the source Scientific method helps us avoid bias
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