UA GC 170A1 - What is science and how does it operate?
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GC 170 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture II Instructors a TA s III Global Warming IV Major Changes in the Atmosphere V What s going on at the U of A Resources VI Goals of the class VII Assignments Grades VIII Classroom facts Outline of Current Lecture IX What is science and how does it operate a Scientific method definition b Scientific method procedure X The Keeling Curve a Dave Keeling i Locations b Results c Graph i Explanation of graph Current Lecture 1 What is science and how does it operate a Hypothesis Theory Expected data Actual Data b Scientific method observing and testing i Ask a question or recognize a problem 1 Often based on prior observations ii Formulate a hypothesis educated guess iii Make predictions what will the outcome of the hypothesis be iv Test your hypothesis through observations and experiments v Draw conclusions from there develop new theories c The steps in the scientific method don t always work in order 2 Keeling Curve a Project to calculate levels of CO2 in the air started by Dave Keeling in Pasadena CA i Too much influence from the industry These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Project moved around the United States to find fluctuations in CO2 levels throughout the day 1 Except in the middle of the afternoon everywhere there were 310 ppm s b The project is now situated in an observatory on top of a tall mountain in Hawaii Mauna Loa i No industries ii No nearby cities iii Far from vegetation iv No inversion layers c i Fluctuations 1 Late summer CO2 stored in leaves Low Points 2 Winter Leaves have decayed CO2 in air High Points 3 How do we make observations in the world a Satellites to measure i Surface temperature ii Long wave radiation iii Sea level heights iv Atmospheric composition 4 Question to think about a What is the connection between CO2 and temperature

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UA GC 170A1 - What is science and how does it operate?

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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