UW-Milwaukee JAMS 214 - No Logo Movie Discussion Guide

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JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 16 No logo discussion What is significant about Virgin s marketing Tommy Hilfiger So clearly not selling a product they are selling the idea of the virgin type person late twenties early thirties sees themselves as a non comformist and rebel Mass produced desire for individuality Powerful ideas as brand content Tommy Hilfiger age of rock and roll Sponsor concerts get musicians to wear your clothes so the brand exists in its own rockstar status a status symbol on the clothing itself The super brand every brand is everywhere and doing everything they keep evolving into different markets Waring megabrands that want to be everywhere and doing everything What does it means to lose the commons and why does this matter to democracy Lose the very idea of the public spaces that were closed off from ads They are important for our democracy Schools start to look like malls and Libraries look like barnes and noble Advertisements everywhere Very few places where we can relate to one another as consumers Lose the idea of there being any place out of the market This has weakened our democracy because we have fewer places to relate to one another as non consumers Malls are made to be like public squares but they also maintain the rules since they are privately owned people cant protest cant film and they are regulated so they lose their voice In what ways does Walmart censor products pre emptively and silently and why does this matter They pride themselves on being a family store it s a marketing strategy Since wal mart can say no to holding certain media on the shelves they can say no well in turn there is a turnaround concept of censorship since now major companies are looking for the brand image that can be displayed in wal mart stores since that is about 30 of the market share of distribution Silent censorship What is the Nike paradigm and how is it impacting the global labor industry These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Outsourcing their products to china or someplace else globally Every connection and deal that those vendors and shoes do end up causing less money to be delivered to the workers who actually make the shoe What makes one product cheaper than the rest savings is taken from the worker s wages Companies are bidding who can abuse their workers more What is brand based investigative activism What do you find if you follow the trail of globalization surrounding these brands Campaigners who have peeled away the fa ade and looked to see where the original products are produced Uncomfortable for companies because there is the idea of globalization and production being visable The shiny fa ade and then there is the actual products being produced There is no way to change the world through shopping But you can look for fair trade as opposed to free trade A lot of the business The instintutions that are writing the rules for trade and business are the ones who are also saying what is good for big corporations is good for all of us So when they write rules they should write them in favor of big business because eventually we will reap the benefits Movement is to reclaim the public and reclaim the common area

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