JAMS 214 JAMS 214 Exam 3 Review Sheet The final exam is not cumulative It will cover all course material and reading since the 2 nd exam The final will have the same format as the previous 2 exams multiple choice matching and several short essays Globalization o is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views products ideas and other aspects of culture Global expansion between highly industrialized newly industrialized and less developed countries o 1985 UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection basic needs food water need to be available not charged safety information right to be protected against dishonest advertising choice representation redress consumer education healthy environment these are all guidelines there is no legal enforcement to not do them o Increasing conglomeration o These 5 corporations control over 50 of global advertising WPP Group London These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Omnicom New York Interpublic New York Publicis Paris Dentus Tokyo o Why globalize agencies Global presence Way around client conflicts Rise of global financial concerns Create foreign offices AND dense global networks o Two major tensions Global brand advertising rarely reflects the culture of individual markets Local brand advertising rarely allows for a consistent global message Glocal advertising o Three main pillars of glocal advertising 1 Global concepts must address universal human motivation unified message leaves room for local nuances culture of cooperation and hearing resources between global and local strategies o 2 tensions Global brand advertising rarely reflects the culture of individual markets Local brand advertising rarely allows for a consistent global message o o example pepsi ad that had a changed ending in the middle eastern market trying to make a target ad that s targeting a consistant global message but there are details that are changed for local markets Technology issues with global ads o Technology solution and problem More sharing across cultures Less market control Less message control Less control for celebrities Richard gear delta Didn t release in china due to tibetian monks During that time was a great amount of turmoil and various chinesewere dying and getting prosecuted Advertising Imperialism representing the other in ads o Examples donna Karen ad that featured famous models with haitian people in the background o Western dominance is kind of forced on other countries o People are made to look more exotic and different if they are not from the us Ethiopian coffee Brazilian nuts Spanish olive oil It creates these symbolisms of people who have been historically marginalized in advertising o Advertising and imperialism Imperial perspective baked into consumer culture Non western world represented as Exotic department store others there to offer up goods Theme parks others there as scenery Product Placement o Paid product message aimed at influencing an audience to have positive association with a brand Intended Unintended effects of product placement o Intended effects Used to make storylines look real Used to increase brand awareness Used to associate positive brand image Brand exposure Von resteroff effect placing a familiar brand in unexpected context causes positive impact of brand recognition and recall memory when consumer is going to purchase product Indirect product endorsement during commercials that product s commercial will usually play Promotional support for media practices o Unintended effects Content of show might be compromised due to brands dictating that content can be changed Blurring between ads and content Controversial products can get around ad restrictions alcohol cigarettes Lack of disclosure to viewers PR in news o 3 1 ratio of PR to news staff o found that a lot of news content is generated by facts that are not actually interrogated or looked into o shrinking news staff o Native advertising is a part of that o Ex toxic sludge is good for you o Spinning a company brand so that they are positive regardless of the negative Native advertising definition types benefits social issues o Advertisements that are integrated into the design of the publishers site so they are paid for articles but they ook like real articles Content provided by or with advertisers and runs in the editorial stream Content meets reader expectations Relevant likable sharable o Types of native ads Early years paid search results In feed social when multiple friends view or share items it shows up in the news feed Recommended content suggested posts in news feed Paid authorship Sound symbolism o It is the association between sound sequences and particular meanings This activates particular social and cultural associations with sounds o Example of the aliens the beautiful and fun or the ugly terrorists o We have certain word combinations and sound combinations that are associated with beauty and ugly Hard vs Soft Sell o Hard sell focuses on product features uses and advantages Rooted in old fashioned salesmanship talky emphasis is on verba textual explanation assumes consumers engage in rational decision making o soft sell focuses on the emotional connection and cultural connotations rooted in appeals to self transformation imagery fantasy best version of selves irrational drives Works in union with branding the consumer wants to be associated with the type of person or care that is given in the ad 3 publics to which advertising is responsible o internal publics stakeholders shareholders oremployees of the company impacted because they are directly effected and involved with the product impact o external publicsgovernment consumers public people who would might help regulate the product o media publics news outlets entertainment industry bloggers people who are impacted by the advertisements and the money that is circulating from the message put out Philanthropy vs Cause Marketing o Philanthropy is direct charitable giving o Cause marketing is what links a brand to a public cause So a portion of the product being sold is given to a cause Ex lids save lives Cause Marketing benefits why companies like it o Often generous but fueled by self interested motives o Powerful PR tool o Powerfull branding tool this brand cares about this o Increased sales o Works well with good or neutral imaged companies o Received more
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