JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 19 Neoliberal or pro market view Consumers are rational and maximize their self interest o Recognize wants evaluates before purchasing o Advertising aids consumer in purchasing decisions Regulations are unnecessary o Because market will regulate itself Ads re not as important as disposable income in determining purchases limited effects thesis o Ex privatizing water nestle CEO 2 reform of pro regulation view focuses on social welfare o advertising is wasteful creates false wants promotes materialism o ads buy consumer loyalty which benefits larger companies and hinders market competition advertiser demands not viewer demands determine media content state should play a central role in regulating ads 3 Critical or anti consumption view advertising is central to advancing capitalism o concerned with the rise of conglomeration consumers should live with voluntary simplicity o you should not engage in these types of purchasing and you are a rational buyer advocates for culture jamming culture jamming groups that co opt advertisers tactics to promote anti consumerist messages These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute activists who coopt advertisers tactics to promote anti consumerist messages o mimic ad genres and spectacles tend to focus on hyper consumption Joe chemo instead of Joe camel absolute impotence absolute vodka Ronald McDonald with grease over his mouth Shell and birds are like sponges for oil Lets drill The yes men Synopsis Buy responsible products Be part of social movement Pay attention international trade organizations Reclaim public spaces ie turkey gezi park Participate in consumer movements Buy nothing day shift your shopping Responsible ads PR Write strong stories Listen to people involved with your brand Learn from interactions with all people Respond respectfully
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