UA KIN 464 - Leadership (continued)
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KIN 464 Leadership continued Outline of Current Lecture I Leadership II Leadership and Management Is there a difference III Sources of Power Influence and Authority IV Early Interest in Leadership V Leadership Styles and Attitudes VI Likert s University of Michigan Studies VII Fielder s Contingency Theory of Leadership VIII Path Goal Approach IX Transformational Leaders X Transactional Leaders XI Application of Leadership Theories Current Lecture I Leadership a process of inspiring or influencing members of a group to perform their tasks enthusiastically and competently b Why is it important i Flatter organizational hierarchy 1 shrinking management ranks and less bureaucracy 2 the push for greater speed better customer responsiveness and on going innovation 3 you need to be a leader to get respect and to get the best work out of employees II Leadership and Management Is there a difference a Managers i The words leader and manager are often used as if they were interchangeable ii Managers should be but may not be effective leaders iii Managers have employees who work under their direction and are accountable to them iv Employees receive pay and benefits for performing work assignments as directed by managers b Leaders These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Leaders have followers who are loyal to them as long as they do not become disillusioned with the goals or tactics of the leader ii Followers receive personal satisfaction and a sense of satisfaction and a sense of value from being part of the leader s group iii Managers who are effective leaders are clearly identified because of employee enthusiasm loyalty and dedication iv Leadership is part of management but not all of it v Leadership occurs any time one attempts to influence the behavior of an individual or group vi Leadership is the human factor that binds together and motivates people to work toward common goals with enthusiasm vii Leaders have a higher longer term vision III Sources of Power Influence and Authority a Understanding how managers influence employee performance requires an understanding of the sources of power that manager s have to influence employee attitudes and behavior b Managers in formal organizations have legitimate power because of their position in the organizational hierarchy c Authority commensurate with the position accompanies this form of power d Types of Power i Reward Power 1 Person s ability to provide rewards ii Referent Power 1 Person s unique personal characteristics that are appealing to others iii Expert Power 1 Person s expertise knowledge and skill iv Coercive Power 1 Person s ability to punish v Legitimate 1 Person s formal position in the organization vi Effective managerial leaders rely heavily on 1 Reward power 2 Referent power IV Early Interest in Leadership a Scientific Management Era i The subject of leadership was given little attention by Taylor Fayol Gantt 1 It was mostly just about money and levels of production instead of building relationships and respect ii The so called manager leader of that day influenced workers to meet organizational goals by using a combination of 1 Legitimate power positional power 2 Coercive power punishment 3 Money if you performed well and produced more you got paid more iii Later Taylor introduced the dual wage system incentive wage plan reward power b Hawthorne Studies i Elton Mayo and his associates concluded social and psychological factors affected work performance 1 There needs to be trust and respect and good relationships between employees and bosses 2 Good moral and how people feel is really important for sustaining long term success 3 You must give people and opportunity to grow and be and example for them to do so ii Mayo stressed the need for managerial leadership to provide social and job satisfaction to employees e g 1 individual group relationships 2 morale 3 individual growth 4 individual and team needs 5 employee growth and satisfaction c Trait Theory trait theorists believed that individuals who are effective leaders have identifiable common traits i The oldest approach to study of leadership ii Trait theory concentrated on identifying the common traits that effective leaders possess iii These traits may be physical social or personality traits such as height attractiveness intelligence creativity enthusiasm selfconfidence knowledge tact empathy etc iv Debunked by modern leadership scholars v The old assumption that leaders are born has been discredited completely 1 leaders can be developed and taught vi Leadership situations vary widely and personal traits required in one scenario may not match the need in another V Leadership Styles and Attitudes a Charismatic style i Some individuals are charismatic and use personal magnetism to influence others e g 1 JFK ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country 2 Ronald Reagan the Great Communicator could break down big ideas and effectively explain them to people 3 Bill Clinton 4 Paul Bryant charismatic made people follow him without bribing or repercussions they followed because they wanted b Negative Style i View employees negatively ii Subscribes to the view that people are lazy and thus relies on coercion and fear to influence behavior iii Negative leaders subscribe to McGregor s Theory X attitude towards employees 1 Lazy dislike work just want the paycheck 2 Will find Theory X people in a prison setting a Undermine their superiors and refuse to listen and do whatever they want as soon as the boss turns his back c Participative Democratic Style i Also described as a democratic leadership style ii Allow employees to have greater input in the decision making process when the subject directly affects them iii The foundation of participative leadership rests with McGregor s Theory Y assumptions about people Empowerment d Free rein or Laissez Faire i Leadership styles may overlap 1 An effective leader will tailor his or her style to the situation to the types of followers to their own personal traits and to their attitude to people 2 This is known as Situational Leadership e Pygmalion Effect or the Self fulfilling Prophecy i The expectation that you have of your people is going to be really important ii If you set the bar at an average level people will not aspire to do better they will aspire to do averagely iii Based on George Bernard

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UA KIN 464 - Leadership (continued)

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 7
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