UW-Milwaukee JAMS 214 - Gendering cont.

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JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 9 So continued What if men posed in the traditional female type stances and poses Overall effect o Associated femininity with a lack of power subordination o Leads to objectification o We have trouble viewing women as powerful or that if women want to be attractive and intelligent together not one or another o This denies people their humanity Video killing us softly What does advertising tell us about women o We should strive to achieve this model esque flawlessness and do everything to achieve it o Women s bodies turn into things and objects o The person is dehumanized and then violence becomes inevitable o Physical perfection is the ideal but that perfection is just photo shopped Emotions and women s advertising New study reach women when they feel most vulnerable Women use faces more color curves and detail Also concepts ideas and emotions Men strong objects and straight lines Show peers using it Use facts figures and stats The kotex and always like a girl commercial o Promotes the idea of how we need to change the messages going on in the advertising in society It makes fun of its own commercials and also poked the question about how females are represented in advertising and society Men and advertising Studies show that advertising narrows the definition of what it means ot be a man o In charge o Aggressive These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Strong silent Trends in ads for men Hypermasculinity o Callous sexual attitudes towards women Women are expendable and men are in control o Belief that violence is manly o Experience danger as exciting o 95 of ads in magazines like playboy and Gamer Informer include hypermasculine themes 56 average across all men s magazines Higher masculine themed magazines are geared towards teenage boys And the more people are exposed to those kinds of images the higher the amount of domestic violence and vehicle accidents studies show o the gun advertisement Consider your man card reissued Products as machines o Beauty products are okay as long as they are promoted as tough machines Ex Axe detail shower tool aka loofah Protecting reclaiming masculinity o Ex Yankee candle The 2x4 first down and riding mower man cave bacon Ex Dockers wear the pants In some way masculinity is lost but in order to reclaim it you have to reassert yourself in society Ex dodge charger and the mans last stand Man food o Ex the man version of dr pepper o Ex eating competition foods and guys Men as deficient o The sitcom is the epitome of the father doing a lot of really dumb decisions and finally learns at the end o The guy outsmarting the wife the revenge narrative Hyper sexuality o Using men s bodies as self aware sexual marketing o Men have growing rates of body dissatisfaction disordered eating patterns o Ex the breast cancer checkup moments with hot men Rise of metrosexual and beauty o 1990 4 of men used a skin care product o 2010 over 30 of men used a skincare product o lots of ads for men to re civilize themselves ex shampoo ad where he looked like he had a women s hair and his co worker commented on it and so the man rushes to the store to pick up axe to look like a man Research on Marketing to Men o Increase in ads that use hyper masculine themes o Hyper masculinity in ads normalizes it in daily life o Men who view hyper masculine ad themes are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors o Some evidence men response negatively to these ads brands but so far not much research on men Most successful ads for men o Appeals to fatherhood

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