Basic Emotions across Common cultures components feeling 3physiology behavior happiness sadness anger fear for you good for Good babies reciprocated Happiness months social 2smiles months 4laughter first to physical states and later psychological states unfamiliar Fear months 6stranger wariness Is good dark Preschool imaginary creatures etc School phobia Systematic desentization Stranger Anxiety How does the child react to the stranger Fear can be shown in different ways Complex Emotions Guilt embarrassment and pride Don t emerge until 18 24 months depend upon cognitive development Also called self conscious linked to social standards of expression differ Situations across cultures and context Recognizing and Using Others Emotions 6 months distinguish and match emotions 1 year Social referencing Look at parent for guidance Preschool children understand links between emotions and behavior If you are happy will look If you are scared nope Recognizing and Using Others Emotions Regulating Emotions Even infants 4 months regulate emotions looking away when afraid but older children know more ways to regulate emotions Display rules standards for expressing emotions Don t laugh when someone hurts themselves at least not out loud Don t get visibly angry when your Boss yells Poor regulations bad friends When children don t regulate emotions well they typically have trouble interacting with peers Holds for anger But also worry and sadness What Is Temperament mood or Consistent style of behavior like personality Chess Thomas 1968 Easy Difficult Slow to warm up Five Dimensions Positive affect Persistence Activity level Inhibition Negative affect Hereditary and Environmental Contributions to Temperament Twin studies show genetic influence 72 for activity and similar for shy persistence and anger Children are more likely to have difficult temperaments when mothers are abrupt and lack confidence European babies are babies when it comes to shots unlike Chinese and Japanese infants Stability of Temperament Temperament is somewhat stable throughout infancy and childhood Active fetus will be a handful DiPietro et al 1996 Inhibited 2 year olds are shy 4 year olds Difficult temperaments are especially stable Evocative gene environment relation If mom or dad couldn t control them Grow up out of control New Zealand Study of Temperament Looked at correlation with adult behavior Irritability 38 Sluggishness 25 Approach 18 Distractibility 21 Not very big correlation But still in right direction So we can change over time Temperament is linked to Behavioral problems difficult 2 3rd had it School success Persistent children Peer interactions Shy is bad Depression Anger linked to depression Attachment I m stuck to you Social emotional relationship Strong survival value Ethological view Attachment figure is stable socialemotional base Growth of Attachment upon infant s growing Relies perceptual and cognitive skills Baby has to tell the difference first about 7 months have By identified a single attachment figure Usually mom but can be dad Care vs play Strange Situation Baby Mom in playroom for 3 minutes Stranger enters 3 minutes later returns 1 minute later mommy leaves 3 minutes later returns When baby is happy Bye Bye Ainsworth 1978 Quality of Attachment Secure Baby wants to be with mom but doesn t freak if she s gone and can be comforted 60 65 Insecure Avoidant Not upset and ignores 20 Resistant Upset and stays that way 10 15 Disorganized Huh What the 5 10 Consequences of attachment More secure linked to better friends and fewer conflicts Lieberman Doyle Markiewicz 1999 Less behavior problems in school Carlson 1998 Succeed at summer camp Elicker Englund Sroufe 1992 Ainsworth s Caregiving Hypothesis You make your child secure by Sensitivity Positive attitude Synchrony Mutuality Support Stimulation attend to infant frequently Factors determining quality of attachment between parent and Interaction baby Israel study Predictable response Immediate Appropriate Internal working model expectations about what parents are good for IWM leads to Kid Adult Secure Secure Avoidant Dismissive Resistant Preoccupied IWM leads to Secure adults objective and value parentchild relationships Dismissive adults parents were great but they didn t make me who I am Preoccupied adults describe childhood experiences emotionally with anger or confusion
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