JOURN 4256 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Planning a PR campaign a Steps b SWOT analysis c Situation analysis Outline of Current Lecture II Evolution of Apple III The beginnings IV Macintosh V Steve Jobs leaves VI Steve Jobs returns Current Lecture Evolution of Apple computers World In 1977 January 3 Apple Computers founded January 20 Jimmy Carter is sworn in as president Apple the beginnings Apple was the personal computer company Computers were seen as for government academics business only Barriers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Too expensive Unnecessary Luxury item Uninformed public Need vs want Public didn t see point in a personal computer A niche group had a want for them Apple wanted to establish a need The pitch in 77 Diminish your workload Similar to strategies used by Henry Ford with the Model T Easy to use Don t need to be a rocket scientist Messaging Apple was computers for the rest of us Not just for hobbyists Touted the fact that you could attach a keyboard and monitor Picked a price to draw attention 666 66 Next phase Macintosh Famous Super Bowl ad Steve Jobs leaves in 1985 John Sculley former Pepsi CEO takes over Apple introduces the MacCharlie and other failed models Steps away from marketing campaign Apple goes somewhat stagnant as a corporation April 1996 Steve Jobs returns Technicolor Macs 2001 IPod Retail Apple stores 2003 ITunes store opens How does Apple do it Emphasize customer satisfaction Push messaging about how it makes life better Tell human stories about positive experiences
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