Mizzou JOURN 4256 - Planning PR campaigns
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JOURN 4256 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Setting the Agenda public opinion and persuasion II Opinion leaders III Life cycle of public opinion IV Flow of public opinion models V Role of mass media VI How PR fits in a Persuasion techniques VII 6 principles of persuasion VIII Factors in persuasion Outline of Current Lecture IV Planning a PR campaign a Steps b SWOT analysis c Situation analysis Current Lecture Planning for a PR campaign You are a PR pro you need to bring credibility and confidence to the table These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Steps of a PR effort 1 2 3 4 5 6 Research primary secondary SWOT analysis Situation analysis Planning scope of work Implementation Evaluation SWOT analysis Guides you to identify the positives and negatives of a company Strengths Weaknesses Deals only with internal factors Can include resources experiences activities and processes If you struggle to come up with these think about characteristics of the company product service Opportunities and threats Deals only with external factors Includes forces and facts that you don t control Can also include trends economy funding demographics and physical environment Usually begin with the competition but there is more than that to consider Situation analysis Organize thoughts and questions into 4C s Company internal Company mission statement What is the stated vision for the company Why was the company started Core values Competencies Financials Business strategy What business does the client believe they are in What category Who what is the competition What do they perceive is their competitive advantage Any important lessons from the past Ask for proprietary research studies Ask for past efforts Category external Identify economic trends What is the health of the category What type of category is it How is the product service typically marketed within the product category What external factors might impact the category Consumer external Relevant trends societal lifestyle How do consumers respond to the category Prospects What is the purchase cycle How does the decision process work What can you identify about the purchase Key motivations Unmet needs Competition external Look at direct indirect competitors What are they selling Dissect their strategies Summarize what the competition is doing and why How is your client s brand positioned in relation to the competition How does your budget compare Planning Should set your work plan for the campaign Help you avoid drift guessing Includes a timeline deadlines Individuals responsible for the tasks Estimate budget needs Audience is critical to any PR effort Budget Divided into categories Staff time personnel people Out of pocket expenses Stuff things Staff and admin takes as much as 70 of budget Out of pocket include collateral materials Allow 10 for unexpected costs

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