Teambuilding Overview Four stages of group growth Groups versus teams Characteristics of effective teams Principles of effective teams Stages Of Group Growth PERFORMING PERFORMING NORMING NORMING STORMING STORMING FORMING FORMING 2 Forming Feelings Excitement Anticipation Optimism Forming Behaviors Identifying the task Deciding what is acceptable group behavior and how to handle group conflict Abstract discussions No clear focus on task or problem Complaints Storming Feelings Resistance Individual group members Members personalities Chance for success Storming Behaviors Arguing among members Bid for power choosing sides Tension lack of unity Establishing unobtainable goals Norming Feelings Constructive criticism Acceptance into the group Relief the group is headed in the right direction Norming Behaviors Personal discussions Common goals Cohesion Realistic group parameters Performing Feelings Insightfulness towards others Satisfaction towards the group s progress Performing Behaviors Constructive self change Conflict management Teamwork Groups vs Teams Teams have Stronger sense of identification Common goals or task Task interdependence More differentiated and specialized roles between team members Characteristics of Effective Teams Defined mission task objective or function Cooperation and communication Interdependence Principles of Effective Teams Trust and confidence Delegation Empowerment Cooperation Participation Respect for the individual Clearly defined roles Communication Dedication Commitment Clarity of team goals Loyalty Communication Clear communication Reflection of how well we pass information Speak with clarity and directness Be Concise Listen actively Avoid interrupting Clarity in team goals Everyone understands purpose and goals No confusion or disagreement Summary Four stages of group growth Group growth behaviors Groups versus teams Characteristics of effective teams Principles of effective teams NASA Exercise Lost on the Moon Your spaceship has crash landed on the dark side of the moon and you are scheduled to rendezvous with the mother ship which is 200 miles away on the lighted side of the moon The crash has ruined the ship and destroyed nearly all the equipment Your crew s survival depends on reaching the mother ship so you must choose the most critical items available to take on the 200 mile trip NASA Exercise Lost on the Moon Your task is to rank order the 15 items in the order of their importance for your survival Place a 1 beside the most important item a 2 beside the second most import item and so on until you have ranked all 15 items Box of matches Food Concentrate Fifty feet of nylon rope Parachute silk Solar powered portable heating unit Two 45 caliber pistols One case of dehydrated milk Two 100 pound tanks of oxygen Stellar map Self inflating life raft Magnetic compass Five gallons of water Signal flares First aid kit with hypodermic syringes Solar powered FM transmitter receiver NASA Exercise Lost on the Moon ITEM Box of matches Food concentrate Nylon rope NASA S REASON FOR RANKING No oxygen on the moon worthless Efficient means of energy Useful in scaling cliffs tying injured together Parachute silk Protection from sun s rays Heating unit Not needed unless on dark side 45 cal pistols Possible means of self propulsion Dehydrated milk Bulkier duplicate of food concentrate Oxygen tanks Most pressing survival need Stellar map Primary means of navigation Self inflating CO2 bottle may be used for Life raft Propulsion Magnetic Compass Moon s magnetic field not polarized worthless 5 gals water Replacement for great liquid loss on lighted side Signal flares Distress signal when mother ship is sighted First aid kit Syringes for vitamins medicine Solar powered For communication with mother ship transceiver but FM requires line of sight range RANKING 15 4 6 8 13 11 12 1 3 9 14 2 10 7 5
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