Mizzou JOURN 4256 - History of PR
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JOURN 4256 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I What is PR II How do you do PR III Key skills to be successful IV Value of PR V Economic reality in PR VI PR vs Journalism Outline of Current Lecture II PR news III History of PR a Early PR efforts b Modern PR geniuses c Modern PR efforts d PR and war i World War I ii World War II iii War today Current Lecture PR news Richard Sherman interview was it pre meditated or spur of the moment He was featured in a Beats by Dre commercial where reporters were asking him questions about being a thug his reputation etc This commercial appeared days before his infamous post game interview Tragedy at Mizzou Sasha Menu Courey rape and suicide Menu Courey said she was raped by members of the football team but did not receive any assistance from the University Ended up committing suicide ESPN s Outside the Lines did a 16 month investigation on the issue These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The question is why did it take Mizzou so long to address the issue publicly Justin Bieber arrest Miami police released his mugshot and arrest record by tweeting The tweet included a mention to Bieber s Twitter account and a hashtag Question is was this the right move by the Miami Police Department s Media Department Or is Bieber allowed to have a little privacy Brief history of PR Early PR efforts The Olympics those organizing the Olympics had to get athletes to compete in the games done so through PR Rome Julius Caesar s returns were heralded by parades ancient ads on building walls etc The Vatican The Church had to get people to convert to Christianity did so through early PR techniques Sir Walter Raleigh selling the new world He had to convince people to leave the life they knew to journey to the dangerous new world of America Daniel Boone his life was turned into a book and this was used to sell the idea of Manifest Destiny or America s right to push west and settle Civil War convince people to join either the Confederate or Union and fight Railroads most people were convinced that railroads were not necessary so the public had to be convinced of this idea P T Barnum sold crazy things to his audiences such as the Fiji mermaid or a fish and monkey sewn together These weren t considered PR at the time but they all are advertising events ideas etc to the public which in essence is PR Modern PR geniuses Kardashians Don King fight promoter worked with Muhammed Ali Mike Tyson George Foreman etc George Lucas Modern PR efforts First PR firm Publicity Bureau established in Boston in 1900 Owners were George Michaelis Herbert Small and Thomas Marvin Employed by the railroads to defeat regulations Teddy Roosevelt and the Muckrakers Muckrakers were journalists who exposed corruption Roosevelt encouraged them Stories were published in major newspapers and newspapers Most famous Upton Sinclair s The Jungle Ivy Lee Wrote Declaration of Principles PR practitioners have a moral responsibility to the public to tell the truth and be fair just like journalists He worked for the Rockefellers Managed the Ludlow Massacre one of the first PR crisis management situations Edward Bernays Father of modern PR Ran firm with wife Doris Fleischman Advised presidents and major firms Taught first college class on PR at NYU Hired by American Tobacco Company in 1929 to sell cigarettes to women PR and war FDR s Fireside chats used to give information to American public and calm in hysteria Propaganda during WWI and WWII was used to control the dissemination of info to the public Headlines were used to induce emotions even if they weren t true Public only saw positives the negatives were either minimized or not mentioned If newspapers did publish causality figures they were approved by the government and not accurate Ex The Battle of Verdun WWI Fought 100 miles from Paris but Parisians had no idea it was happening French authorities repressed info If anyone was found spreading truth they could be jailed When WWII rolled around Americans were fed up with the propaganda from WWI and wanted no part in the war 1942 FDR creates Office of War Info OWI used Hollywood radio and printing press to spread info Writers War Board served as a liaison between writers and government writers received government funding Many companies were involved with the war effort Lucky Strike changed packaging colors to support war effort sales exploded Coke and other companies created ads showing their products being used by soldiers Little Orphan Annie and other comic strips used war themes This effort is considered the greatest propaganda machine in history War today social media as the weapon Arab spring was sparked through social media especially Twitter Israel and social media Israeli government was revealed to be paying students to circulate Pro Israeli info on social media networks Syria hacking posting spamming on the opposition s sights Use Facebook Twitter and YouTube

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