MATH 251 301 302 Engineering Math III Summer 2010 Instructor Amy Austin first 5 weeks only Office 630B Blocker 862 4189 e mail address austin math tamu edu Homepage Address http www math tamu edu amy austin Office hours MW 3 4 pm or by appointment Texts Calculus Early Vectors preliminary edition hard back by Stewart et al published by Brooks Cole Content Vector calculus calculus of functions of several variables partial derivatives directional derivatives gradient multiple integration line integrals Stokes theorems Prerequisites Math 152 or equivalent Grades Your grade will be determined by 3 exams a comprehensive final and quizzes as follows Exam I 20 Exam II 20 Week of June 14 Week of June 28 Sections TBA Sections TBA Exam III 20 Final Exam 25 Week of July 12 Week of Aug 9 Sections TBA Comprehensive Quizzes 15 Homework Homework will be assigned but not collected It is imperative you work all assigned homework problems to prepare for quizzes and exams Quizzes Quizzes will be administered each Friday at the end of class Should you miss a quiz either as a result of not coming to class or tardiness will result in a grade of 0 on that quiz Should you provide documentation University excused you will be allowed to make up the quiz provided you do so within one week After one week the grade will turn to zero You will be allowed to drop your two lowest quizzes at the end of the term The calculator policy will be discussed in class Exams Three exams and a comprehensive final exam will be administered The format of the exams and the calculator policy will be discussed in class Make up policy No make ups will be given without written evidence of an official University excused absence See University Student Rules According to Section 7 3 of the University Student Rules for an absence to be considered excused the student must notify his or her instructor in writing acknowledged e mail message is acceptable prior to the date of absence if such notification is feasible In cases where advance notification is not feasible the student must provide notification by the end of the second working day after the absence This notification should include an explanation of why notice could not be sent prior to the class If no such notice is given the rights to a make up are forfeited In addition and also in accordance with University Student Rules a written excuse must be presented upon return to class Specifically in the case of illness or injury students are required to obtain a confirmation note from a health care professional affirming date and time of a medical office visit regarding the illness or injury and confirming the need of absence before a make up will be given Academic Integrity Statement An Aggie does not lie cheat or steal or tolerate those who do I further refer the student to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web at http www tamu edu aggiehonor Students with Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA is a federal anti discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities Among other things this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact the Department of Student Life Services for Students with Disabilities in Room 126 of the Koldus Building or call 845 1637
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