BIOL 460 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 10 18 Possible Essay Questions 1 Phases of the Menstrual Cycle a Menstruation 1 5days shedding of stratum functionalis increase in FSH production by adenohypophysis b Proliferative Phase 6 13 days stratum basalis proliferates a new stratum functionalis increase in estrogen and LH estrogen produced by maturing follicle trigger for basalis is estrogen c Ovulation 14 days high estrogen concentration signal tells pituitary that Graafian follicle is ready adenohypophysis produce surge of FSH and LH remnants of Graafian follicle form luteum d Secretory Phase 15 25 days corpus luteum form secrete estrogen and progesterone i Inhibits secretion of LH and FSH by adenohypophysis to prevent further follicle stimulation ii Maturation of stratum functionalis e Premenstrual 26 28 days corpus luteum disintegrates estrogen and progesterone drop stratum functionalis no longer supported degrade no inhibition of FSH or LH 2 Sketch and Label a Sarcomere 3 Describe the Events of a Cross Bridge Power Stroke a Result of dephosphorylation of cross bridge after it has been cocked phosphorylated b Actin binding domain binds actin to thin myofilament ATPase domain binds to ATP and hydrolyzes it to ADP and inorganic phosphate which phosphorylates the cross bridge c Once cocked conformation attaches to thin myofilament which trigger dephosphorylation of cross bridge and cause a power stroke i Pulls myofilament to center ii Ejects ADP 4 Structure and Function of the troponin tropomyosin Complex a Prevents cross bridge from attaching to thin myofilament b Composed of three proteins i TnT attaches to tropomyosin that troponin attaches to ii TnC ligand binding site for Ca 5 6 7 8 9 iii TnI interfering interferes with cross bridge attachment binds with Ca causing conformation change which move tropomyosin up and myosin binding sites become exposed Excitation Contraction Coupling of Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle or Smooth Muscle a SKM i Ach released by somatic motor neuron binds to nicotinic Ach receptors in sarcolemma causing depolarization at the motor end plate ii This causes VGC to be stimulated in muscle cell causing action potentials known as end plate potentials iii AP are conducted laterally across sarcolemma which goes into T tubules opening VG Ca channels iv This channels undergo conformation change once stimulated and are mechanically coupled to Ca release channels in SR 1 Also on SR ligand gated Ca release channels v Once Ca is in sarcoplasm it binds to troponin changes conformation which moves tropomyosin allowing muscle contraction b CM i AP depolarization is created in SA node ii Depolarization of PM by AP opens Na VGC which allow Ca VGC to open in T tubule iii Allows some Ca to diffuse into cytoplasm from extracellular fluid iv Stimulates opening of Ca release channels in SR 1 Ca2 stimulated Ca2 release v Ca2 released form SR bind to troponin and stimulates contraction vi Ca2 pumped back via Ca2 pumps c SM i Depolarization of PM of cell causes opening of Ca2 VGC in PM ii Ca2 enters cytoplasm and binds with calmodulin 1 Ca2 is second messenger iii Ca2 Calmodulin complex combine with and activates myosin light chain kinase MLC iv Phosphorylation of MLC cause cross bridge activation and contraction v Contraction ends when myosin phosphatase becomes activated 1 This dephosphorylates cross bridge causing it to release actin Electrical Activity of a Cell of the SA Node including Pacemaker Potential graph and explain HCN channel function and action potential see notes AP of Myocardial Cell graph and explain see notes Sketch and Label Cardiac Cycle in notes Sketch and Label an EKG see notes Key Terms from lectures 10 18 Possible short Answer or fill in blank 1 Thyroid gland 2 3 4 5 6 a Endemic goiter b Hyperthyroidism c Hypothyroidism Pancreas a Islet of Langerhans i Alpha cells ii Beta cells iii Delta cells Pineal Gland a Melatonin Reproductive System a Male i testosterone b Female i Estrogen progesterone ii FSH LH iii Menstrual cycle Paracrine Regulation a Prostaglandins b NSAIDS c 3 Isoenzymes of cyclooxygenase Mechanism of Muscle Contraction a Sarcomere b Cross bridge cycling 7 Excitation of Muscle Cells 8 Length Tension Relationship 9 Motor Unit 10 Valves a Murmur 11 Double circuit system 12 Flow of blood through heart 13 Cardiac cycle 14 Valve sounds a lub dub or lup dup 15 repolarization and depolarization of electrical activity of SA node 16 HCN channels 17 EKG
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