HD 204 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Conflict and Family Communication Patterns II Gottman s Conflict Types III Gottman s Four Horseman of the Apocalypse IV Warning Signs V Unsolvable Conflict VI Destructive Conflict Outline of Current Lecture I Domestic Violence II The Role of power and control III Barriers to Leaving Current Lecture I Domestic Violence a One of the most common crimes b 75 of adult victims are women c Approximately 1 in 4 women will be victimized by domestic violence d 1 in 3 female murder victims is killed by her husband or significant other II The Role of power and control a Perpetrators assert power over victims by using emotional psychological physical economic and sexual abuse III Barriers to Leaving a Lack of resources May not be working in the paid labor force May have no property that is solely theirs May lack access to cash or bank accounts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Fear of losing children and joint assets May face a steep decline in living standards Geographic and or emotional isolation b Institutional Responses Shelter s may be full There are 13 times more animal shelters than shelters for people Clergy and counselors may be trained to see the ultimate goal as saving a marriage not ending the violence Attitude that domestic violence is a family matter Reluctance to prosecute and light sentences Protection orders are only paper c Cultural Mythologies Belief that divorce is not an alternative Belief that a single parent family is unhealthy Shame bad choices The attitude that it only takes strength to leave an abusive situation Rationalizing abuser s behavior by blaming stress alcohol problems at work or school unemployment May fulfill the victim s dreams of romantic love May believe the abuser is basically a good person Belief that one can cause abusive behavior 75 of male abusee s don t become abusers themselves
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