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study sounds that make up language
3 types of phonetics
articulatory: way speech is produced acoustic: what is produced from articulation auditory : how humans process human sounds
discrete units of speech that can be divided into consonants and vowels
ride on top of segments: apply to strings of consonants and vowelsex: stress, tone, intonation
produced from constriction somewhere in vocal tract that blocks air flow
slight narrowing, allow air flow freely
a unit of speech made up of rhymes & onsets
vowel and any components that come after it has a nucleus vocalic part, and the coda, final consonants consonants dont function as nucleus, vowels dont function as onset
vowels divided into
monothongs: simple vowels diphthongs: complex vowels 2+ configurations
3 aspect of consonant articualtion: segmental features
voiced or voiceless? where is the mainstream constricted - place of articulation How is the mainstream constricted - manner of articulation
3 anatomy complexes
Larynx: vocal folds & glottis Vocal tract: above larynx, oral and nasal cavitities Sub glottal System: below larynx,  Nasal cavity-->oral cavity --> pharynx --> larynx -->trachea -->lungs
pulmonic eggresive mechanism
lung blowing out air stream
Vocal folds
in larynx, flap of tissue, epiglottis, folds to cover vocal folds Glottis: opening between the cords Voicing: vibration caused by vocal folds
voiced sounds
made with vocal folds vibrating
voiceless sounds
vocal folds are not vibrating
Places of articulation:
where air is constricted
bilabial consonants
both lips closed toguether 5 : [p] [b] [m] [w] [wh]
labiodental consonants
lower lip against upper front teeth 2 : [f] fat [v] vat
tip of tongue protuding between front teeth  2 : [theta] thigh [theta x on top] thy
tongue tip at or near alveolar ridge  (behind upper front teeth)  7: [t] tab [d] dab [s] sip [z] zip [n] noose [l] loose [r] red
post alveolar
slide back along roof of your mouth before soft part 4  : [curve l] leash [3] meausure  [tf] church [d3] judge
tongue near center of hard portion of the roof  1 : [j] yes
soft part of the roof of mouth behind the hard plate, velum.  3 : [k] kill [g] gill [n*] sing
made at the larynx - glottis is space between vocal folds  2  [h] high , history & Glottal stop [?] before the vowel sound in uh oh
Manner of articulation:
air stream modified to make the sound, depends on closure degree of articulation
complete close airstream in oral cavity ex [p]  voiceless bilabial stop [b] voiced bilavial stop [t] [d] [k] [g] [?]
near complete obstruction , small airflow, hiss like  [l*] ship [f] [v] [theta] [thetax] [s] [z] [3] [h]
brief stop of airstream then realeasing airstream so that frication sound is produced  [tf] church [d3] judge

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