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the investment of energy in suppressing an undesireable impulse or image
Biologically programed cell death
the release of emotional tension, invest energy into satisfying a need
the investment of psychic energy in a desired activity or image
the part of the mind that holds what one is currently aware of
Death instincts (Thanatos)
self-destructive instincts often turned outward as aggression
the shifting of an impulse from its original target to a different target
the rational part of the personality that deals pragmatically with reality
Ego cathexis
binding psychic energy in an ego-guided activity, energy into something associated with a need
Ego ideal
the part of the superego that represents perfection and rewards for good behavior
Ego strength
the ability of the ego to function despite the competing demands of the id, superego, and reality
condition of being partly stuck in a stage of psychosexual development
the original, primitive component of personality; the source of all energy
to develop feelings of similarity to and connectedness with another person
absorbing the values of one's parents into one's superego
Anal Stage
the second stage of development, centered around issues in toilet training
Castration Anxiety
a boy's fear (from the phallic stage) that his father will perceive him as a rival and castrate him
Genital stage
the final stage of development, characterized by mature and mutual sexual involvement with another
Latency period
the period in which the crises of the phallic stage give way to temporary calm
the collective energy of the life instincts
Life instincts or Sexual instincts (Eros)
survival and sexual instincts
Oedipus complex
the mix of desire for the opposite sex parent and fear of or hatred for the same sex parent
Oral stage
the first stage of psychosexual development, in which oral needs create a crisis of weaning
Penis envy
a girl's envy of males, from feelings of having been castrated
Phallic stage
the third stage of development, in which a crisis occurs over sexual desire for the opposite sex parent
Pleasure principle
the idea that impulses should be gratified immediately
the region of the mind that corresponds to ordinary memory
Primary Process
the id process that creates an unconscious image of a desired object
Reality principle
the idea that actions must take into account the constraints of external reality
Reality testing
the ego's checking to see whether plans will work before they are put into action
preventing an idea of impulse from becoming conscious
Secondary Process
the ego process of rationally seeking an object to satisfy a desire
Structural Model
freud's model of three components of personality
altering an unacceptable id impulse to an activity that's more socially acceptable
the component of personality that seeks moral perfection
Topographical model
freud's model of three regions, or areas, of the mind
the region of the mind that's not accessible to consciousness
Wish fulfillment
the creation of an unconscious image of a desired object
Order of Stages of fixation
latency period
a feeling warning the ego that something bad is about to happen
Current Concerns
preoccupations in one's current waking life
Defense mechanism
an ego-protective strategy to hide threats from yourself and thereby reduce anxiety
a refusal to believe that some real condition exsists
the shifting of an impulse from its original target to a different one
Dream work
processes that distort latent dream content and transform it into manifest content
Free Association
a therapy procedure of saying without hesitation whatever comes to mind
linking oneself symbolically with someone who has a desired quality that is missing from oneself
an emotional re-experiencing of earlier conflicts in one's life that occurs during therapy
the process of thinking about something clinically and without emotion
Latent content
the underlying sources of symbolic dream images
Manifest content
the images that make up the dream experience as it is recalled
Mechanism of opposites
a process in which an unacceptable element of latent content is expressed manifestly as its opposite
Moral anxiety
the fear of behaving in conflict with the superego's moral code, feel bad about something you've done
Neurotic anxiety
the fear that your id impulses will get out of control and get you into trouble
a slip of the tongue, behavior, or memory
ex- forgetting (successful repression), freudian slips (try to say one thing but accidentally say something your thinking subconsciously), connection on meaning and sound
ascribing a threatening urge or quality in yourself to someone else
Projective techniques
an assessment in which you project from the unconscious onto ambiguous stimuli
finding a plausible but incorrect explanation for an unacceptable action or event
Reaction Formation
doing the opposite of what your impulses are
Reality Anxiety
the fear of danger in the world
a return to a mode of coping from an earlier stage of development
the process of keeping an idea or impulse in the unconscious
an attempt to avoid becoming conscious of threatening material in therapy
Rorschach inkblot test
a projective test that uses inkblots as ambiguous stimuli
the alteration of an id impulse into a socially acceptable act
the transformation of unacceptable latent dream content into less threatening symbols
the displacement onto your therapist of feelings that are tied to an objest of conflict
aspects of the world that people have an inherited tendency to notice or perceive
Collective Unconscious
memories everyone has from human and even prehuman ancestors
Competence motivation
the motive to be effective or adept in dealing with the environment
Effectance motivation
the need to have an impact on the environment
Ego control
the extent to which a person modifies or inhibits impulse expression
Ego psychology
the neoanalytic theories that give ego functions central importance
Ego resiliency
the capacity to modify one's usual level of ego control to adapt to new situaions
Feelings of inferiority
the realization that one is deficient in some way, minor of major
Functional autonomy
the continuance of an act even after its initial purpose no longer exists
Inferiority complex
feelings of inferiority bad enough to suggest an inability to solve life's problems
a person's pattern of inferiority feelings and manner of striving for superiority
Mistaken lifestyle
a lifestyle that isn't effective in adapting of attaining superiority
Need for cognition
a need to think about and impose meaningful structure on experiences
Organ inferiority
a weakness in an area of the body, making one vulnerable to illness here
Primary ego autonomy
the idea that the ego exists independently from the id from birth on
Principle of opposites
the idea that life consists of polarities that oppose and balance each other
Secondary ego autonomy
the idea that an ego function can become satisfying in its own right
Superiority complex
exaggerated striving to excel to compensate for deep inferiority feelings
an emotional connection to someone else
Basic Anxiety
a sense of insecurity, a feeling of being abandoned and isolated
Ego identity
the overall sense of self that emerges from transactions with social reality
Ego quality (ego strength or virtue)
the quality that becomes part of one's personality through successful management of a crisis
the idea (adopted from embryology) that an internal plan for future development is present at the beginning of life
Identity commitment
the adoption of a specific identity
Identity crisis
a time of intense exploration of alternative ways of viewing oneself
Identity status
the condition of whether an identity crisis has occurred and whether an identity has been attained
Life-span development
the idea that development processes continue throughout life
the giving of positive attention and supportiveness to someone
a sense of grandiose self-importance and entitlement
Neurotic needs
maladaptive needs that emerge from overuse of strategies to combat basic anxiety
Object relations
an individual's symbolized relations to other persons (such as parents)
Play therapy
the use of play as a procedure for conducting therapy with children
Psychosocial crisis ( or conflict)
a period when some interpersonal issue is being dealt with and growth potential and vulnerability are both high
Self psychology
Kohut's theory that relationships create the structure of self
the mental symbol of another person who serves functions for oneself
the process of acquiring a distinct identity; separating from fusion with the mother
Strange situation
a procedure used to assess the attachment pattern of infant to mother
a period in which an infant experiences fusion with the mother
the viewing of other people through selfobject representations originally developed for parents
Vicious cycle
a cycle of needing affection, failing to obtain it, and thereby increasing the need
Personality structure
ego- reality principle- 2nd process thinking- reality testing- psychological component
id- pleasure principle- primary process thinking- wish fullfillment- biological component (eros and thantos)
superego- moral imperatives- social component- conscious and ego-ideal
Freud Processes
primary- reflex action, wish fulfillment
secondary- identification, reality testing
Problems with Freud
shocking, too many metaphors, sexist, bad science
striving to make up for unconscious impulses or fears
Primal Repression
repress impulses that make us uncomfortable
Repression Proper
repress memories of painful experiences
Partial repression
you still have the memory but you just don't think about it
Carl Jung
collective unconscious and archetypes ( persona, shadow, anima, animas)
attitudes (extravert, introvert), funtions of thought (thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting)
Heinz Hartman
ego :
conflict sphere- satisfying ids needs
conflict free sphere- thinking,planning, adaptation
Robert White
effectance motivation- knowing we have an effect on things
competence motivation- knowing you did something well
Alfred Adler
organ inferiority, inferiority complex, superiority complex
Birth order- youngest (spoiled, lazy), middle (ambitious), oldest (dethroned)
Margret Mahler
symbiosis, seperation anxiety
John Bowlby
internal working model- relationship with caregiver important for the rest of life
Mary Ainsworth
strange situation
Infant attachment styles
secure, ambivalent, avoidant
Adult romantic attachment styles
secure, ambivalent (don't deserve love but others do), dissmissing (deserve love but others dont), fearful ( dont deserve love and neither does anyone else)