UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 252 - Biol 252 Syllabus

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BIOL 252 Shemer Fall 2011 pg 1 Human Anatomy and Physiology MWF 12 00 12 50 BIOL 252 sections 4 6 Fall 2011 09 Carrington Hall BIOL 252 is an introductory course of human anatomy and physiology While it is an introductory course it is quite comprehensive and demanding The course is composed of three lectures and one lab session each week The lab will cover mainly the anatomy of the human body and the lectures will be focused on human physiology covering our 12 body systems starting from the nervous and ending with the reproductive system For a detailed schedule please look at the excel spreadsheet in the course website or on Blackboard YOUR INSTRUCTOR Dr Gidi Shemer Wilson Hall G41 Office hours Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2 4 or by appointment Web page http www bio unc edu Faculty Shemer Email bishemer email unc edu TEXTBOOK 1 The TEXT for this course is Anatomy and Physiology The Unity of Form and Function 6th edition by Kenneth Saladin The text is required What I mean by required is that I think any student who chooses to not USE the text will be at a distinct disadvantage The ISBN is 0077496914 2 The textbook is available in the bookstore This text comes with a web based software package called CONNECT that will be the medium through which you will be quizzed and receive short pre lecture and pre lab assignments The package also includes an interactive eBook physiology simulations animations and some other interactive tools The Connect link to this course is http connect mcgrawhill com class g shemer fall 2011 3 If you prefer to buy a used textbook the 5th edition this will also work In this case however you will need to buy an access code for the Connect system which is not an integral part of the 5th edition You can buy Connect online it costs 50 here http connect mcgraw hill com class g shemer fall 2011 TUTORING The biology peer tutoring program offers free tutoring Mon Thur evenings Six of my best students who excelled in this class will be happy to assist you Come with your textbook and make sure you come with specific questions Remember the tutors are there to help you not to do the work for you The tutoring schedule can be found here http www bio unc edu Undergraduate PDF Bio tutor center schedule pdf BIOL 252 Shemer Fall 2011 pg 2 LAB Labs are shared by all students from all sections They will be taught by Teaching Assistants and coordinated by Dr Corey Johnson who teaches BIOL 252 for sections 001 003 ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend and participate in lectures and labs While the course follows the textbook some of the material discussed in lecture may not be found in the text You are responsible for all material and announcements made in lectures You are not responsible for textbook material that was not covered in class unless it was specifically assigned Homework and assignment will be given and posted on Blackboard under assignments GRADING The material taught in the lecture and the lab will be tested separately but the grades are combined for the final course grade Your grade for this course will be determined as follows 2 midterm exams and 1 final exam 22 each 66 Lab grade based on lab quizzes and 3 lab exams 25 Assignments via CONNECT see above 9 Grades will not be assigned for individual exams only points you will be able to see how you did from a posted distribution of scores after each test Final grades will be assigned on the total number of points for the entire semester A 93 100 B 87 89 C 77 79 D 66 69 A 90 92 B 83 86 C 73 76 D 60 65 B 80 82 C 70 72 F 60 Exam questions will be taken from lectures and assigned readings Exams must be taken on the dates indicated during the regular class period no makeup exams except in special circumstances i e medical or family emergency documented in writing The makeup test may be an oral exam POLLEVERYWHERE In this class you will use a polling system to answer questions that I pose during class You can submit your responses using a mobile phone laptop or other mobile device with a WiFi connection such as an iPod Touch or an iPad Before you can participate you ll need to create an account For instructions on how to register to Polleverywhere please follow the guidelines found on Blackboard and the course website under Course information BIOL 252 Shemer Fall 2011 pg 3

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 252 - Biol 252 Syllabus

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