9 3 2014 Presenting What Causes ALS Christopher Link Ph D Associate Professor Department of Integrative Physiology Monday September 8 12 00 p m GOLD Building MCDB Porter Room A2B70 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive fatal motor disease It is characterized by dysfunction and death of motor neurons although there is evidence that this is not solely cell autonomous The classic histopathology in ALS is the appearance of abnormal cytoplasmic inclusions in affected motor neurons In almost all ALS cases these inclusions contain an RNA binding protein called TDP 43 More info on IPHY website www Colorado edu intphys events colloquium html Can a membrane also be considered to be an organ Why or why not A Yes by definition a membrane could be its own organ but may also just be part of an organ B Yes all membranes are there own organ because they consist of multiple tissue layers C No an organ has to have more than just 2 tissue layers D No it would have to be part of an anatomical system to be considered an organ Cutaneous Membrane Integument Skin cutaneous membrane organ Serous mucous membranes are one component of an organ 1 9 3 2014 Integumentary System Study tip 3 Talk to yourself For each powerpoint slide describe what you see and what you know about the structures on those images THINK ABOUT THIS What causes the skin on your hands and feet to wrinkle the prune effect when you spend too much time in water ORGAN a part of the body formed of 2 or more tissue layers that work together to perform specific functions Examples stomach skin lung sweat gland etc Copyright 2005 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Benjamin Cummings 2 9 3 2014 Integument Covers surface of entire body 7 of total body weight Varies in thickness Layer 1 epithelial tissue Layer 2 Connective tissue Copyright 2005 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Benjamin Cummings Which of the following statements is NOT true of the skin A the skin is involved in gas exchange between the air and deeper tissues B the skin can excrete several liters of fluid each day C the skin is a water resistant organ D the skin has sensory structures E the skin protects deeper tissues from bacteria Functions of the Integument 1 Water resistant structure Sebum oil glyocolipids create barrier 2 Excretion of liquids and salts 3 Sensory Receptors for touch temp pain Allow interaction w world around us 4 Body temp regulation Extensive capillary network evaporation and hair all play a role 5 Protection Stops destroys bacteria Protects from dehydration Absorbs UV light but doesn t completely block it Too much damages epidermis Some needed to assist in Vitamin D production 3 9 3 2014 Figure 5 1 Skin structure Epidermis Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium Dermis Loose areolar CT Dense irregular CT Hypodermis superficial fascia Adipose CT Thin skin Epidermis has 4 distinct layers Thick skin Epidermis has 5 distinct layers Human Anatomy 5e by Marieb Mallatt and Wilhelm Copyright 2008 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 5 3b Layers of the epidermis Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum lucidum only present in thick skin Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Dermis 4 9 3 2014 Figure 5 3b Distribution of cell types in epidermis Keratinocytes most abundant Produce keratin Connected by desmosomes New cells produced at basal surface oldest cells on apical surface Replaced every 35 45 days Desmosomes Keratinocytes Dendritic cell Melanocytes Pigment producing cells Found in stratum basale Melanin granules transported to adjacent keratinocytes Merkel cells Sensory touch receptors Has associated nerve ending Stratum basale layer only Merkel cell Dendritic Langerhans cells Phagocytic cell engulf foreign material Primarily in stratum spinosum Melanocytes Melanin granules Sensory nerve ending Dendritic cells in action https www inkling com read janeways immunobiology kenneth murphy 8th chapter 9 movie 9 2 dendritic cell Figure 5 3b Diagram showing distribution of cell types Desmosomes Keratinocytes Dendritic cell Stratum granulosum 3 5 layers of flattened keratinocytes Cells starting to die Cells contain keratohyaline lamellated granules Several layers of cells Mostly keratinocytes Some dendritic cells Stratum spinosum Merkel cell Stratum basale Dermis 1 cell layer mostly keratinocytes and stem cells Melanocytes 10 25 Some Merkel cells Melanocytes Melanin granules b Sensory nerve ending 5 9 3 2014 Keratohyaline lamellated granules Glycolipid being secreted Lamellated granules Keratohyaline granules Stratum granulosum Keratohyaline granules form keratin Lamellated granules produce a glycolipid which is moved outside of the cell Stratum spinosum Stratum basale anatomy iupui edu Figure 5 3b Diagram showing four layers and the distribution of cell types Desmosomes Keratinocytes Langerhans cell Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Layers of dead skin cells Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Merkel cell Stratum basale Dermis Melanocytes Melanin granules b Sensory nerve ending Figure 5 4a Thick skin Epidermis Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Dermis a Thick skin 6 9 3 2014 Figure 5 4b Thin skin Epidermis Stratum corneum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Dermis b Thin skin Which layer of the epidermis would you expect to thicken to form a callus A B C D E stratum basale stratum spinosum stratum granulosum stratum lucidum stratum corneum Figure 5 1 Skin structure Dermal papilla increase surface area stronger connection to epidermis Epidermis Papillary layer of dermis loose areolar CT Dermis CT proper 7 9 3 2014 Friction Ridges Pores Pores on friction ridges 50x magnification henrytempleman com ridge unit weights 13 www cic gc ca english resources publications biometrics eval section6 asp Figure 5 1 Skin structure Papillary Reticular layer dense irregular CT Dermis Hypodermis adipose CT Fig 5 10b First second and third degree burns 1st degree damage to epidermis 2nd degree damage to dermis 3rd 4th degree damage to hypodermis or deeper Copyright 2005 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Benjamin Cummings 8 9 3 2014 Figure 5 11 Burns RULE OF NINES 11 body regions each a multiple of 9 Totals 41 2 Anterior and posterior head and neck 9 Allows for quick assessment of how much of the skin surface has been burned Anterior and posterior arm 18 41 2 Anterior trunk 18 41 2 Anterior and posterior trunk 36 Critical 10 3rd degree 25 2nd degree Perineum 1 9 9 Anterior and
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