CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Goals for connective tissue

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CONNECTIVE TISSUE LEARNING GOALS 1 Define connective tissue 2 Predict if a tissue is a connective tissue based on the definition 3 Compare and contrast the structure and functions of epithelial and connective tissue 4 Name the unique components of connective tissue 5 Identify the components of living and nonliving matrix 6 Predict the function of the connective tissue based on its matrix composition compression tension elasticity pulling squashing stretching 8 Describe areolar connective tissue as a model of connective tissue proper 7 Classify and compare the general types and subtypes of connective tissues in terms of characteristic cells matrix and general features Explain where each connective tissue type is likely to be found e g immune organs skin etc OUTLINE I Functions A connects cells organs togethor B forms skeletal tissue C stores carries nutrients D surrounds blood vessels nerves II 4 main classes of CT A connective tissue proper B cartilage C bone D blood III Special characteristics A only a few cells separated from one another by an abundant extracellular matrix B extracellular matrix made up of ground substance protein fibers i components of extracellular matrix a Supporting fibers b Ground substance C common embryonic origin IV CT proper Loose Connective Tissue A Areolar CT i extracellular matrix ii cellular components a Defense cells 1 macrophages 2 plasma cells 3 mast cells 4 neutrophils lymphocytes eosinophils b Storage cells B Adipose Tissue i Function ii Components C Reticular CT V CT proper Dense Connective Tissue A Dense irregular CT B Dense regular CT C Elastic CT VI Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva FOP

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CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Goals for connective tissue

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