KIN 464 1st Edition Lecture 8 part 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Understanding Motivation II Motivation III Content Theories of Motivation Current Lecture IV Understanding Motivation a Comes from the Latin word movere means move b Pertains to what activates human behavior c Originates from physiological and psychological needs d A need i Something that gives a person a feeling of deprivation when it is missing ii If a need is not being met the individual becomes motivated to satisfy the need V Motivation a Definition the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction b Goal to cause people to put forth their best efforts with enthusiasm and effectiveness in order to achieve and hopefully surpass organizational objectives c Victor Vroom i A manager s basic job is to facilitate highly motivated people to perform at near peak capacity ii For this to happen two conditions need to be met 1 People must have the ability to do the work 2 The work environment must be satisfactory relationships support equipment facilities VI Content Theories of Motivation a Focus on the needs within individuals that cause them to act in certain ways b Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory i Consists of five levels of need that must be satisfied ii The thrust of Maslow s theory is that a satisfied need is no longer a motivator iii When a need is satisfied at once other and higher needs emerge and become motivating factors These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Physiological and Survival Needs a Hunger thirst sleep etc 2 Safety and Security Needs a Safe work environment economic security etc 3 Love social Needs a The need for affiliation and a sense of belonging 4 Ego and Esteem Needs a Being accepted and recognized by others 5 Self actualization a Realizing one s full potential c Herzberg Motivation Maintenance Theory i States that all work related factors can be grouped into one of two categories 1 Motivation factors job satisfiers a Achievement b Recognition c The work itself d Opportunity for growth and advancement 2 Maintenance factors hygiene factors or job dissatisfiers 3 Associated with work environment a Salary b Job security c Working conditions d Supervision e They do not promote motivation but they can prevent it from occurring f d Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y i Identifies two styles of managing based on the manager s view of human nature ii Theory X is an autocratic style 1 People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it if he can 2 Because of this most people must be coerced controlled or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort 3 People prefer to be directed 4 People avoid responsibility 5 People have relatively little ambition 6 Above all people want security iii Theory Y is a positive participative style 1 Work is a source of satisfaction 2 Punishment is only one way to induce people to work and is not usually the best way 3 People who are committed will be self motivated and selfdirected 4 A person s commitment to objectives depends on the rewards he or she expects to receive when goals are achieved 5 Under the right conditions people will both accept and seek responsibility 6 The abilities to think creatively to innovate and to solve problems is widely not narrowly distributed among people 7 The intellectual abilities of most people are underutilize
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