UA KIN 464 - Organizing
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KIN 464 Lecture 7 Outline of Current Lecture I Importance of Organizing II The Benefits of Organizing III Classical Theories of Organizing IV Dimensions of Organization Structure V Classic Principles of Organizational Structure Current Lecture I Importance of Organizing a Root Word Organism i Referring to parts separate in function which are interdependent 1 Ex human body one whole with different parts working together b Definition of Organizing i The process of delegating and coordinating tasks and resources to achieve objectives ii A managerial effort to assign work and allocate resources then arrange the work and resources in such an orderly way that a group s effort generates the desired end result in the most efficient manner possible 1 Different departments working together 2 Ex Alabama football team coaching staff head coach special teams defense offence etc players fans etc c Definition of Formal Organization i A group of people working together toward common objectives with clear lines of authority responsibility accountability and communication a hierarchy 1 Ex Alabama athletics department II The Benefits of Organizing a Generates effective group action i Group reaches its goals ii Fully utilizes individuals knowledge and skill sets b Synergizes resources i Leads to the proper use of resources SYNERGY the whole is greater than the sum of its parts or a lot of different elements and blending them together c Pinpoints individual responsibilities These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Specifies duties and responsibilities 1 Ex assistant position coaches ii Lines of authority and accountability d Facilitates the functions of implementing and control e People perform best when i The skills and knowledge are a good fit for their job ii The working conditions and environment are pleasant iii People have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities III Classical Theories of Organizing a Importance is placed on ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE and HIERARCHY What is Organizational Structure i An organizational structure is the framework that outlines how tasks are divided grouped and coordinated within an organization ii An organizational structure provides a roadmap for how positions within an organization are related and what tasks are performed by individuals and work teams within an organization iii Finding the right structure for an organization involves balancing requirements to formalize procedures whilst fostering innovation and creativity iv It provides clear reporting and communication lines while trying to reduce unnecessary and costly layers of management IV Dimensions of Organization Structure a When designing an organization s structure managers need to consider the following questions i Whom should individuals departments report to 1 Chain of Command Span of control ii How many individuals should report to each manager 1 Span of Control iii How should we subdivide the work 1 Division of Labor iv At what level should decisions be made 1 Centralization Decentralization V Classic Principles of Organizational Structure a Departmentalization i The bringing together of individuals into groups so that common or related tasks can be coordinated ii People are assigned to departments in order to meet organizational goals iii Organizations can departmentalize on the basis of 1 Functions e g marketing compliance 2 Products or Services e g football apparel basketball apparel 3 Processes e g what do we produce or service 4 Geography e g inner outer rims 5 Customer Type e g individual athletes or teams a manager must put people in the correct departments according to their individual skills no square pegs in round holes b Work Specialization Division of Labor i Creating roles for individuals that enable them to specialize in performing a limited number of tasks Jobs are organized by specialty e g marketing event management ii The advantage of breaking jobs down to a set routine of repetitive tasks is an increase in employee productivity and reduced costs through the use of lower skilled labor force iii This must be balanced against the risks of making work too boring or stressful for individuals which can lead to accidents poor quality lower productivity absenteeism and high job turnover iv Lots of layers of people and positions to the top Bureaucracy c Chain of Command Scalar principle i Authority in the formal organization flows one link at a time from the highest level to the lowest level 1 The reporting trails that exists between upper and lower levels of an organization 2 It is the line of authority that connects each position within an organization 3 It encompasses the notions of establishing clear authority and responsibility for each position in the organization a clear line of authority from the top to the bottom 4 Everyone in the organization needs to know who they report to hierarchy 5 Identifies the formal path for communications reporting d Unity of Command i No employee should report to more than one immediate superior boss 1 Having a single person to whom an employee is responsible is known as Unity of Command 2 Having a single boss avoids employees having to deal with potential conflict when juggling the demands of two or more managers and it helps achieve clear decision making 3 Having more than one boss can be confusing and frustrating when they want something different done 4 If the whole organization is not on the same page or has different goals and interests you will run into conflict and will not be successful e Unity of Direction i Means that all activities are directed toward the same objectives e g finishing the project hosting the event winning the game ii When a team doesn t pull together it often fails to finish the project or loses the game f Coordination i Coordination is about people working together across departments ii Coordination is the process of integrating tasks and resources to meet objectives g Span of Control i Refers to the number of staff that any manger can directly supervise without becoming inefficient or ineffective 1 There is a limit to the number of employees a manager can effectively supervise ii How many employees report directly to a manager iii The exact number that any manager can effectively supervise is determined by 1 The level of skill expertise or experience of the manager and his her staff 2 The

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UA KIN 464 - Organizing

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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