POLS 206 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 8 Lecture 1 What is Government and its purpose Who are the three political philosophers that helped shaped what the Government s purpose is What is Politics Name the main different types of governments hint there are six What is Government Formally it is the institutions and processes through which public policies are made for society Essentially government is there to keep society in order Why does Government exist political philosopher style Society Contract Theory Jean Jacques Rousseau Believed in idea to give a voice to the general will and that a general will life does not have to be moral but a individuals are moral Thomas Hobbes Believed in a more pessimistic view in that the life of man and nature is solitary poor nasty brutish and short Because of this people need something to shock and awe them People are afraid of dying and so need protection and leadership Government provides this though it more than about protection John Locke Believed in state of nature a farm type system however there are flaws in his system He made Libels idea society comes together to help Government protects life liberty and property What is the purpose of Government Maintain a national defense Collect taxes citizens contribute to the system Socialize the young education system learn basic things about life example basic hygiene Preserve order military and police departments Provide public services benefits everyone gets though no one wants to pay for so the Government does What is Politics Policy making and the people participating people expect the government to solve the problems facing the people penalize the Government through the polls People shape policy through linkage institutions the political channels through which people s concerns become political issues on the policy agenda elections political parties interest groups etc Main types of Governments Autocracy one leader Monarchy and Dictatorship Theocracy Rule by religion seen a lot in Middle East Meritocracy Person people best suited to rule Plutocracy Rule by the wealthy Aristocracy Elite group of people chosen to lead though do not have to be wealthy Democracy Citizens have equal say in government decisions Direct citizens decide on practically everything seen in Athens Greece Representative Citizens choose people to represent them seen in big societies such as the U S though U S is more of a Republic Lecture 2 What is the Traditional Democratic Theory Name the principles of American Democracy Name the American Political Values What is the American Political Ideology Traditional Democratic Theory Equality in voting equal suffrage equal weight in vote Effective Participation adequate and equal opportunities to influence the process Enlightened understanding a marketplace of ideas participation is more than just voting protest influences decisions any form of government that is open to people gives people a chance to speak different viewpoints Principles of American Democracy Equality in voting 18 years old and up except for felony charges in some states Individual freedom as long as not threatening the rights of others Equal protection of the law everyone is treated fairly under the law Majority rule and minority rights minority have limited rights because of majority rule Voluntary consent to be governed American Political Values What is political culture Essentially it is a set of shared political beliefs values and ways of thinking about government and politics everyone for the most part agrees on What are some examples of American political values Liberty freedom Equality treated the same in the court Property own and do what you want Government can not normally take Are political values defined by ethnicity not really there are so many in America Multiculturalism Does America only have one culture NO Is America a melting pot cultures very blended together into almost culture or mixed salad cultures more defined Overall it is mixed salad distinct cultures add to politics America Political Ideology Political ideology essentially a general belief about the political values and purpose of the government Liberalism very active government also called progressivism or idealism having to do with ideas about liberty and political equality and often favors change society politics and economics to make more equality essentially believes there is something wrong in society and the government needs to fix that Conservatism status quo the idea if it ain t broke don t fix it believes in keeping tradition emphasizing community and family as a big role in continuing society role of the government is to protect and support a capitalist system Political Very Right and Very Left o Socialism everything is evenly owned and rewarded very left o Libertarianism less government government only supplies the very minimum such as police very right o Fascism government plays a very small role extreme right o Neoconservatives individuals have a lot of power very right Lecture 3 What are the main historical points that happened from 1580 1732 There were several laws and regulations Britain put on the Colonies from 1764 1776 how did they react What is Common Sense Historical Points 1580 1732 1580 s Sir Walter Raleigh receives a land grant 1587 First Settlement Lost Colony Roanoke Island The colony mostly big burly men were led by John White Arrived in 1587 but soon ran out of supplies due to lack of knowledge about crop growing White leaves but was could not come back until 1590 due to the Spanish Armada in 1588 When White came back everyone was gone in Roanoke 1607 First Permanent Settlement Jamestown 1620 Plymouth Colony Massachusetts established rules and regulations Mayflower Compact outside the Virginia Charter the original destination 1732 the Colonies were established with very strong connections to Britain very dependent on Britain o The Colonies are trying very hard to establish themselves making their own laws and legislature for each Colony The King of Britain on the other hand does not approve of this and appoints governors for each Colony and vetoes the laws the Colonists make o 1756 1763 the French and Indian War Seven Years War very expensive as a result Britain is practically broke Reaction from Britain s appointed laws and regulations on the Colonies Due to Britain running out of money Britain decides the Colonists should help for the help they ve been given and begins to heavily tax the
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