Learning Catalytics session LC You can either login to Learning catalytics or login to your Mastering and click on the blue icon on the top right PeerWise The Nervous System Input Processing Output PNS CNS Sensory receptors Nervous system sensory Nervous system motor skin skeletal muscle and joints internal organs LC LC Learning objectives To classify the components of the nervous system To describe the basic unit of the system the neuron To predict pathophysiologies associated with the BBB and the CSF To distinguish between the six types of neuroglia Neurons The Mysterious Butterflies of the Soul Santiago Ram n y Cajal 1852 1934 As the entomologist chasing butterflies of bright colors my attention was seeking in the garden of gray matter those cells of delicate and elegant forms the mysterious butterflies of the soul whose fluttering wings would someday who knows enlighten the secret of mental life Neurons The Mysterious Butterflies of the Soul Santiago Ram n y Cajal Nobel prize in physiology and medicine 1906 The neuron Most of our wiring is insulated Myelin sheath Whitish fatty segmented sheath around most long NOT ALL axons Increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission Formed by cells The cell has concentric layers of membrane that make up the myelin sheath Neurons are not alone LC The supporting neuroglia in the CNS Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Insulators of the thick neurons of the CNS Support and brace neurons Control the chemical environment Ependymal cells Microglia Circulating the CSF The immune cells of the CNS Blood Brain Barrier BBB LC Blood Brain Barrier BBB and induce formation of BBB C J GUERIN MRC TOXICOLOGY UNIT SCIENCE SOURCE O Brown et al 2018 Madelyn May Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy New York USA Ependymal cells Ciliated epithelial cells lining the central cavities of the brain and spinal column Forming a permeable barrier between the CSF and nervous tissue Beating cilia helps circulating the CSF CSF cerebrospinal fluid Beating cilia helps circulating the CSF Banizs et al Development 2005 A What would happen to the person in B B Poll Learning objectives To classify the components of the nervous system To describe the basic unit of the system the neuron To predict pathophysiologies associated with the BBB and the CSF To distinguish between the six types of neuroglia
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