BIOL252 005 FA20 Start Here This is a living document and subject to change Teaching and learning are dynamic processes In order to adjust to the real time needs of the class changes may be made mid term in the assignments and content of the course If such a need arises I will take care to notify you of these changes as soon as possible and the version date below will be updated accordingly A Frank Note From Your Instructor I know that this is probably not the way you would choose to learn This is tough time for all of us in different ways whether you are experiencing this directly or indirectly Some days just feel harder than others and I m aware of that We are all in this together so let s help one another Let s bring the same intention respect and kindness to our virtual interactions as we would to our in person learning Let s remind one another to practice good self care stick to routines that help us stay balanced and communicate with one another about what we need to succeed Let s use our time together to grow as scholars to deepen our respect for the natural world and to strengthen our bonds as a community of caring and capable Tarheels 252 DetailedSchedule pdf Instructional Team Your Instructor Dr Zwemer or Dr Z lmzwemer email unc edu Instructor Access Piazza For content questions Group Office Hours For content questions study help or just to hang out and chat live portions may be recorded Individual Office Hours For matters that are personal or to discuss individual grades Use Sakai SignUp feature live not recorded Email For all other questions or personal matters lmzwemer email unc edu Please do feel free to find me on LinkedIn Please do not find me on Facebook Instagram Thanks Your Supplemental Instruction Leaders SIs 1 15 Maria Fonseca mvf29 live unc edu Diego Martinez Castaneda diegodie live unc edu BIOL252 005 FA20 Students who have previously served as PMs and demonstrated excellence in teaching have been selected to serve as SIs As with the PMs SIs be on hand during synchronous sessions and assist during class activities Twice a week the SIs will offer live review problem solving sessions The SI sessions will allow you to process and actively practice material that was taught in the previous week In course feedback successful students frequently refer to the PM SI sessions as some of the most significant tools that improved their learning Check the Sakai Overview Page for the SI schedule and Zoom links These sessions will not be recorded and are only available live Your Peer Mentors PMs Coby Dorsey cbdorsey live unc edu Hope Elias hopeanne live unc edu Shivani Mahendar shivaani live unc edu Matthew Mueller mattrm live unc edu Hannah Prince hannah94 live unc edu Jennifer Regan jregan00 live unc edu Sarah Tian saraht11 live unc edu Students who have excelled in this class in the past are invited to serve as peer mentors They will be on hand during synchronous sessions to help with in class activities They will also lead small groups described below These sessions will not be recorded and are only available live Even though we will be teaching and learning away from a traditional classroom this semester I want to make sure you feel connected to the teaching team and to your classmates Based on your stated availability you will be assigned to a cohort of 15 30 classmates and a peer instructor You will have the opportunity to meet with your small group and PM each week during a set time Through this group you will have a default study group an opportunity to ask questions and an opportunity to earn participation points I encourage you to get to know your group members because you will work with them throughout the term If you experience conflict with your group members please let me know via email lmzwemer email unc edu so I can mediate the issue to reach a resolution that allows you to have a productive learning experience Course Information Textbook Fall 2020 Course Information This course is introductory and broad in its coverage of anatomy and physiology but it also entails much depth The lecture will focus on anatomy histology physiology of the human body taking a body systems approach Laboratory is not required but most students will need to or should take it Check with your advisor if you re not sure Enrolling in the laboratory 252L requires lecture as a co or pre requisite 2 15 Course Prerequisites BIOL 101 101L One prior course over 200 is recommended but not required BIOL252 005 FA20 Textbook Mastering AP If you are waitlisted and want to wait to see if you get in before purchasing textbook mastering access The first few reading assignments are available using the Course Reserves menu tab at left Similarly there is a trial access to Mastering that you can use for the first week or two but after that you MUST purchase the Mastering Biology access code If you are enrolled please go ahead and purchase the e text web based software package called MasteringAP from the bookstore Mastering will be the platform through which you will receive short pre lecture post lecture assignments The package also includes an interactive eBook There are also other purchase options of the textbook but whichever you choose you must also be sure to have access to the Mastering AP software Course name Biol 252 FALL 2020 ZWEMER Course code zwemer92792 Registration instructions can be found here Pro tip use Chrome or Firefox not Safari to set up your registration Please bear in mind that I am still adjusting the due dates of assignments 5Aug20 Email Policy Email You have each been furnished with an unc edu email address You are required to check this email address at least once every 24 hours in case I need to send out essential last minute information I will respond to all emails within 36 hours of your sending them Please remember to be courteous and professional in your emails for example by using a subject line an opening greeting and a closing signature that includes your name Contributing to the Learning Environment Creating a Productive Learning Environment This course is an experience we are creating together As your instructor I will do everything I can to facilitate a productive supportive and engaging learning environment but the rest is up to you You re the one who has final responsibility for your own success in this course regardless of how you personally define that success Your grade includes participation components see also section on Assigned Work Participation
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