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BIOL252L Exam 2 Practice Questions 1 Which feature of the scapula separates the supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa 2 What type of synovial joint is the glenohumeral joint 3 With what osteological landmark do both the radius and ulna terminate distally 4 Which antebrachial bone does the capitulum of the humerus articulate with 5 What is the name of the most distal bone that makes up the ring finger 6 What is the lateral attachment site of the inguinal ligament 7 The two rami of the pubis surround which foramen 8 The lateral condyle of the femur articulates with which bony structure of the tibia 9 The medial and lateral malleoli surround which bone of the ankle 10 Standing on your toes is also known as which movement of the talocrural joint 11 Muscles that generally function in the same way are referred to with which name 12 What are the four rotator cuff muscles 13 Name the two muscles innervated by cranial nerve 11 14 What is the name and number of the cranial nerve that innervates the occipitalis 15 Name one muscle that elevates the scapula 16 True false When the supinator contracts your palm faces up 17 What muscle acts synergistically to the anconeus 18 Which two muscles extend the wrist 19 The flexor pollucis longus acts on which number digit 20 What is the function of the supraspinatus 21 What three muscles make up the erector spinae group 22 What is the primary function of the scalene muscles 23 What muscle is formed when two muscles merge after passing beneath the inguinal ligament 24 What is the primary function of the external intercoastal muscles 25 What four muscles make up the quadriceps group 26 What is the primary function of the adductor brevis 27 Name two muscles that flex the knee 28 What is the primary function of the extensor hallucis longus 29 What is the primary function of the soleus 30 What two muscles act antagonistically to the fibularis muscles Answer Key 1 Spine of the scapula 2 Ball and socket joint 3 Styloid process 4 Radius 5 Distal phalanx of the 4th digit 6 Anterior superior iliac spine 7 Obturator foramen 8 Lateral condyle 9 Talus 10 Plantarflexion 11 Synergists 12 Supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor subscapularis 13 Sternocleidomastoid trapezius 14 Cranial nerve VII the facial nerve 15 One of levator scapulae trapezius 16 True 17 Triceps brachii 18 Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis is optional unless the question asks specifically for them extensor carpi ulnaris 19 I 20 Abduction of the glenohumeral joint 21 Iliocostalis longissimus spinalis 22 Lateral flexion of the neck 23 Iliopsoas 24 Inspiration 25 Vastus lateralis vastus intermedius vastus medialis rectus femoris 26 Adduction of the hip 27 Two of biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus 28 Extension of the hallux big toe 29 Plantarflexion 30 Tibialis anterior tibialis posterior

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 252 - Exam 2 Practice

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