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Exam 2 Study Guide BIOL 252 Below are the learning objectives from this lesson All questions that will be on the exam will be mapped to one or more of these objectives Use these to guide your studying Compare the organic and inorganic components of the bone extracellular Differentiate the function of osteoclast osteocyte osteoblast and osteogenic matrix cells Predict the role that hormones play in bone growth smooth muscle correlates to movement Compare the structure and function of skeletal muscle cardiac muscle and Describe the structure and organization of skeletal muscle tissue and how it Describe the structural features of a skeletal muscle fiber Compare and contrast the events that take place during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation Compare the processes by which muscle cells generate short term and long term sources of energy Describe the two ways in which muscle tension is generated in a muscle fiber wave summation and length tension relationship Compare and contrast type I and type II muscle fibers Distinguish between isometric and isotonic contractions Describe the function structure and lifespan of erythrocytes Evaluate if an individual is anemic Compare the antigens expressed by red blood cells and antibodies produced Predict the effects of endurance and resistance training on skeletal muscle tissue in each ABO and Rh blood type Flow chart the path that blood flows through the cardiovascular system myocytes cells Identify and interpret waveforms in normal electrocardiogram ECG Compare an action potential in autorhythmic pacemaker and contractile Describe how the conductive system of the regulates heart rhythm Describe the events that take place during the cardiac cycle Explain why the pressure is different in the right and left ventricles of the Characterize the changes in the electrical events mechanical events and Define stroke volume and cardiac output and mechanisms that regulate both Define the determinants that impact blood flow Compare and contrast the different mechanisms that contribute to resistance Define the factors that contribute to blood pressure Compare the short term and long term mechanisms that regulate blood heart blood volume throughout the cardiac cycle pressure Predict the outcomes of hypertension and hypotension

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 252 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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