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ChemDraw Lab Exercises Part I 1 16pts Provide skeletal structures for all of the constitutional isomers of alcohols that share the molecular formula C5H12O 2 34 pts Draw the skeletal structures of the compounds Pravastatin and Lovastatin a Add a text box next to each functional group present in both of the compounds listed above and label them appropriately Next color the bonds of each functional group a color unique to that functional group Ex all alcohols are red all esters are blue etc Be sure to include a color legend b Determine the molecular weight and the chemical formula for both compounds Blue is for Ester Red is for Alcohol s Alkyl groups are green Carboxylic acid s are purple 3 36pts Draw the structures for the compounds Hydrocortisone and Nafcillin indicating the stereochemistry of each stereocenter Color all carbonyls red and make them noticeably larger in font 4 32pts Given the Fischer projections below draw the skeletal structures in ChemDraw Important the parent chain for each skeletal structure must be drawn in the plane of the page a Indicate in red the stereochemistry of each stereocenter b Draw the enantiomer of the skeletal structures c Are any of these meso compounds If so indicate which one s

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UGA CHEM 2211 - ChemDraw Lab Exercises Part 1

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