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Bring back Clippy General Purpose To persuade Speci c Purpose To persuade the executive board of Microsoft to vote in favor of reviving Clippy I Introduction A Ask audience to imagine they are writing a letter to their mom B Play video clip of the old version of Clippy saying It looks like you re writing a letter C Reminder Twenty years ago this is what you would have experienced if you were using Microsoft O ce 97 II Body A The birth of Clippy 1 Back then the idea of a virtual assistant was a futuristic dream 2 Then we were all given a word processing companion our rst ebuddy B What went wrong 1 Clippy interrupted you at seemingly random intervals incorrectly guessed your intent and tried to solve problems that just weren t there It was sometimes perceived as condescending 2 C What can we adopt now 1 Pros include playful reduced upfront learning curve know what users needed before they knew what they needed Most human 2 Less obstructive passive unless needed Product should start small then adapt and learn over time Inspire con dence and fade away D Costs creating an AI machine learning bot is no joke 1 Apple s Siri was sold for 200 million to Apple in April 2010 2 Alexa was acquired by Amazon com for approximately 250 million a Both of these products deal with large databases b We have the framework for Clippy just need to make it adaptable A As designers we may all strive for the one click do it for me button 1 However with complex products tools such as Clippy need to be more smart contextual and wrapped in a user centric design framework 2 And so while Clippy does remind us of a time where technology was simpler more controllable B It can also show us that there are modern software design principles that transcend time thing we can start implementing today III Conclusion IV Visuals Audio A Brief video clip of Clippy B Pictures of Clippy in the user graphical interface of Microsoft References Alexa internet 2022 November 26 Retrieved November 27 2022 from https en wikipedia org wiki Alexa Internet text Alexa 20continued 20to 20supply 20the 24250 20million 20in 20Amazon 20stock Bass D 2016 March 30 Clippy s back The future of Microsoft is Chatbots Retrieved November 27 2022 from https www bloomberg com features 2016 microsoft future ai chatbots Clippy is back to Microsoft Teams learn how to use it 2021 November 02 Retrieved November 27 2022 from https teams handsontek net 2021 11 02 clippy back microsoft teams learn use text From 20t he 20compose 20message 20box to 20it 20for 20more 20context Hidr l y 2022 June 17 Designer xes the World s worst logos 9 PICS Retrieved November 27 2022 from https www boredpanda com graphic designer redesigned worst logos emanuele abrate utm sour ce reddit utm medium referral utm campaign organic Spencer R 2019 October 03 The interface of the future Clippy Retrieved November 27 2022 from https medium com ryanspencer the interface of the future clippy 24536b3de9d2 The Twisted Life of Clippy 2022 September 06 Retrieved November 27 2022 from https www seattlemet com news and city life 2022 08 origin story of clippy the microsoft o ce assistant Video le 2021 August 12 In YouTube Retrieved November 27 2022 from https www youtube com watch v h zCxgljf54 ab channel HardcoreSoftware Video le 2021 November 16 In YouTube Retrieved November 27 2022 from https www youtube com watch v swT YMjU7B8 ab channel HowItHappened

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