Chapter 13 Early Adulthood Physical and Cognitive I Development Early Adulthood ages 20 40 Leaving home completing education getting a career A B establishing long term relationships civic responsibility making your own family C Emerging Adulthood Extended opportunity to explore roles in life 1 Societies tend to be wealthy 2 3 Maturity in some areas but not in others Physical Development Health and Fitness 1 Sensory changes D a b c Peaked at this stage in life Gradual decline in middle to late adulthood Hearing begins to decline in mid to late 20s Taste smell balance do not decline until later on d Cardiovascular respiratory and immune systems a Exercise is important for changes in the cardiovascular respiratory system Fertility 2 3 a After 35 women are at higher risk for their child to have downs or other chromosomal deficiencies in their children b Less eggs E Motor Performance in Adulthood 1 Athletic Skills peak between 20 and 35 1 Speed and strength peak closer to the Different skills peak at different ages a early 20s b Endurance aim etc peaks late 20s Continued training slows loss and extend performance F 2 Physical Development and Change 1 Health and Fitness a Health isn t really paid attention to Physical activity isn t happening b Diet and Weight a Females are more likely to diet Being over weight runs in families 2 3 b Exercise a b c Need 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week Can lower weight chances of many diseases Helps with brain function G Substance Use in Early Adulthood 1 Peaks from 19 22 years then declines But up to 20 ages 21 25 are substance abusers a Slow the nervous system Alcohol is the most prevalent Increase nervous system Tolerance increases drastically 2 3 4 a Depressants b Stimulants c Nicotine Hallucinogens a b a b Marijuana LSD ecstasy Marijuana impairs memory learning and is just as harmful to lungs as tobacco
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