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1 Final Study Guide What constitutes religion subjective difficult to define because its hard to create boundaries 1 belief in supernatural powers 2 assemblage of practices symbols beliefs myths metaphors behaviors feelings 3 feeling of absolute dependence 4 sigh of oppresses creature Karl Marx opposed 5 compared to child neurosis Freud opposed 4 aspects of religion 1 transcendent discourse oral written tradition w sacred value 2 set of practices ritual ethical 3 community same texts same precepts same set of practices 4 institutions structure of staffed officials functionaries that speak for the practices of the religion most commonly have all 4 Civil Religion Jean Jacques Rousseau and Civil Religion o The Social Contact 1762 o Civil Religion is a way to create social cohesion helping to unify the state by providing it with sacred authority o Simple beliefs 4 Deity Afterlife Reward of virtue punishment of vice Exclusion of religious intolerance Lost Cause Mythology A southern civil religion heritage or way of life Edward Pollard The Lost Cause A New Southern History of the West of the Confederates Tenets o Deemphasizes the role of slavery in the war o Focuses on state s rights o Demonizes an aggressive North o Established a noble character for the South Permeated the South through writings sermons lectures and speeches as well as through the utilization of symbols 2 Immigration to the US America is a melting pot Melting Pot or Salad Bowl debate Holding onto Tradition Desired cooperation with the Protestant majority Felt Catholics should play a more prominent role in public affairs o Traditionalists Germans Desired preaching in their own language especially for Wanted economic and political benefits of America but avoided other aspects of culture Concerned love the for nation could displace love for the Adjusting to New Ideas church Branches of Judaism Reform Judaism Conservative Judaism Orthodox Judaism Religion and Science Viewpoint 1 Religion Undergirds Science o Religion explains why the world can be understood o Muslim Golden Age of Learning o Influential Christian Thinkers Pascal Newton Collins Viewpoint 2 Religion Prevents Science o Galileo Galilei s discovery of heliocentrism vs established Church doctrine o The big one evolution Charles Darwin o English naturalist and geologist o Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection stated all plants and animals including humans changed over time nature determined which changes resulted much controversy over theory Higher Criticism Focus to be more critical about what was demonstrably true and what was mere legend in the Bible 19th C German Higher Criticism o People Friedrich Schleirmacher father of Protestant liberalism gefuhl 3 Faith is consciousness of being absolutely dependent Contrary to foundation of Bible or Deism Ludwig Feuerbach 1804 1872 David Friedrich Strauss Albert Ritschl Types of higher criticism Historical Criticism Literary Criticism Source Criticism Form Criticism Traditional Criticism Redaction Criticism Textual Criticism lower criticism Invention of World Religions Sources of Authority Divergence in the 19th Century o Embrace Change Evolution Higher Criticism World Religions Maintain Traditions Sources of Authority o Tradition o Authority Figures o Revelation o Reason Logic Dwight L Moody Best known evangelist of 2nd half of 19th century but not intense Finney or theatrical Sunday o Converted to Christianity and began a ministry without formal training supported the YMCA and Sunday Schools o Created a Bible training center for lay people Preached a simple message Ruin by sin Redemption by Christ Regeneration by the Holy Spirit Utilized the gospel singing of Ira Sankey Told stories Phoebe Palmer was an evangelist and writer who promoted the doctrine of Christian perfection She is considered one of the founders of the Holiness movement in the United States of America and the Higher Life movement Jehovah s Witnesses Charles Taze Russell started a group based on his own reading of the Bible Zion s Watch Tower Society now known as Jehovah s Witnesses 4 Beliefs No hell Practices God is not Trinity he is Jehovah YHWH Christ is divine but a lesser being An impending war between Jehovah and Satan would lead to 1 000 years of peace No smoking drinking or government involvement Don t fight in wars salute to the flag or celebrate national or personal holidays Ghost Dance part of Native American Religion and allowed for connections with past ancestors and protection from harm Ellen White Seventh Day Adventism The body is a temple so watch what you put in it Another Seventh Day Adventist John Harvey Kellogg Cereal guy Christians focuses on saving the soul and did not focus Social Gospel enough on the body Salvation Army Founded in 1860s in London came to US in 1880 Christians especially those with means should help those in need Charles Sheldon s In His Steps 1896 WWJD Beginning of workplace regulation undergirded by religious teaching Organized military structure Provided aid to urban poor coal food medicine shelter education cessation programs 5 Pentecostalism 1893 World Parliament of Religions an attempt to create a global dialogue of faiths Buddhism Swami Vivekanana Hinduism Anagarika Dharmapala Walter Rauschenbusch Baptist Pastor in Hell s Kitchen NYC o Promoter of the Social Gospel s a permanent addition in our spiritual outlook its arrival constitutes a stage in the development in the Christian religion There is a need and craving for a social interpretation and application of Christianity Fundamentalist Modernist Controversy Defined the fundamentals or basics of the faith that has been called into question The Bible is the inspired Word of God Jesus Christ was God in human form born of a virgin lived a sinless life died for the salvation of men and women rose from the dead ascended into heaven and would return again Sin is real and not the product of imagination God s grace not human effort is the source of salvation The church is God s institution designed to build up Christian and to spread the gospel Dispensationalism Is the world getting better or worse o Players o Theology John Nelson Darby Cyrus J Scofield Reading the Bible with modern tools Divided the teaching of the Bible into separate dispensations in when God acts from common principles but saying mandates Promises made to the Hebrews that were not fulfilled 6 Current period church age Highlights prophecy Scopes Trial John Scopes was accused of

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