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Religion Final Bull Sublimis Dei A decree issued by Pope Paul III in 1537 that made recognized Native Americans as people who deserve human rights and were not supposed to be enslaved It is the way natives are defined They should be given the gospel by any means necessary even threatening through death City on a Hill A phrase utilized by John Winthrop and was used in a sermon as they were approaching the colonies on a boat from England The city on a hill was an expression taken from Jesus Sermon on the Mount and was intended to represent that New England would be the holy city that God intended for and be a model for Christianity Wall of Separation Wall of Separation was a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson to address the separation of Church and State Being a deist Thomas Jefferson believed that religion had no place in affecting the decisions and laws to govern a nation which is why colonial Americans traveled to the colonies in the first place Second Great Awakening The Second Great Awakening was a movement in the United States in the Late 18th Century Early 19th Century that was similar to the first in that it was not a unified movement It was a trend towards revivalism and more lively religion One huge gathering that epitomized the Second Great Awakening was the Cane Ridge Revival People during this movement would dance jerk and bark as they worshiped in community Invisible Institution Invisible institution describes the religion of African American slaves Three aspects of the invisible institution included secrecy community and syncretism Prayer meetings and services were held outside of white supervision because they would be punished Prayer gatherings were communal because there was no leading figure and everyone would partake with each other The institution was syncretic in that they would integrate both West African traditions with Christian principles such as ring shouts Pittsburgh Platform The Pittsburgh platform was a push for reformed Judaism and represented new ways of thinking by liberalizing ideas in Judaism During the Pittsburgh Platform people were less interested in biblical aspects for ritual reasons The people there were more interested in moral efficacy and wanted to participate in religion for moral righteousness rather than strictly following rules Know Nothing Party The Know Nothing Party was Anti Immigration Political Party that arose during the 1840s 1850s They feared the competition of jobs with immigrants They strongly were opposed to Catholic Americans and believed they were more loyal to the Pope than to the United States Joss House These were a place for worship of Chinese Immigrant religion during the 19th Century They practiced many rituals in these houses including offerings prayers incense use of joss sticks etc They are Chinese Temples in San Francisco and primarily in the west coast There are Idols in the temple goddess of prostitution Americans who believed in the social gospel considered these temples to be heathenistic World s Parliament of Religions The world s parliament of Religion was held in 1893 in Chicago It was a major event for delegates from all over the world to come together and discuss their respective faiths Examples include Catholic Jewish Orthodox Christian Muslim Zoroastrian Confucian Shinto and Buddhist This is considered to be the first introduction to Asian Religions Representatives gave speeches and aimed at teaching the audience unfamiliar religions Some considered Asian Religions at the Parliament to be a heathen invasion with idolatry and sexuality of women W E B DuBois Dubois is the influential in finding the NAACP in 1909 He wrote The Souls of Black Folk which outlined the issues in the United States These included segregation race and spirituals as the key to African American Spirituality He also talks about how the Negro Church started in the forests and survived slavery Father Divine Father Divine was one of the heads of the Peace Mission Movement He was a strong supporter of celibacy and asked his followers to renounce alcohol tobacco and kinship He gained followers by putting the importance on food by feeding thousands of people This meal represented a form of communion and he believed that it gave them a sign of good health Moorish Science Temple The Moorish Science Temple was found by Noble Drew Ali It is characterized by a blending of syncretism The followers had a distinctive oriental style of dress The book used primarily for worship in this religion is the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance is a rebirth of African American Culture in Harlem around the 1920s Some notable figures during this period is Alain Locke Zora Neale Hurston Langston Hughes and Father Divine Many views discussed include a syncretic form of Black Christianity a radical rebirth as spiritual emancipation and comparing the blacks slavery and their suffering to Jesus suffering American Way of Life The American Way of Life is an idea conveyed in Will Herberg s Protestant Catholic Jew He considered the American Way of life to be a spiritual system of similar values that exist in the three biggest religions Protestantism Catholicism and Judaism He believed the American way of life was a civil religion Indifferentism Eisenhower term used to talk about that it doesn t matter what religion you have as long as you believe in some god it is okay It grants you the right to citizenship and it is acceptable This can be viewed in different ways because it isn t explicit as to whether it applies to the three big religions or any religions such as Buddhism Buddhist Churches in America In the United States there was two types of Buddhism There was Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism Pure land Buddhism included chanting of nembutsu and was open to people of all walks of life They gave devotion to Amida Buddha and the goal was to enter Pure Land which is the perfect realm land of bliss Zen Buddhism was in theory open to all people as well however it was primarily monastic Its main focus was on meditation or koan practice Beat Generation The Beat Generation is a term coined by Jack Kerouac that is a reference to the NY Jazz and Bop Culture movement Central elements of Beat culture included rejection of received standards innovations in style experimentation with drugs alternative sexualities an interest in Eastern religion a rejection of materialism and explicit portrayals of the human condition This

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FSU REL 2121 - Religion Final

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