Exam 3 Objectives Chapter 8 Tobacco ages 1 What percentage of Americans smoke combined all races both sexes all a Ethnic group age 18 i White 21 0 ii Black 20 6 iii Asian 9 2 iv American Indian Alaskan Native 31 4 v Latino 12 5 b Education Age 25 i 8 years 16 2 ii 9 11 years 33 8 iii 12 years no diploma 21 7 iv GED 45 2 v High school grad 23 8 vi Associate degree 18 8 vii Undergraduate degree 9 9 viii Graduate degree 6 3 c 21 5 of men d 17 3 women e Total 19 3 2 Describe the link between education level and smoking status a Adults with less than a 12th grade education are much more likely to smoke cigarettes than those with a college degree 3 Discuss how social norms influence smoking behavior a People tend to shape their behavior behind people who they see as influential i e celebrities parents etc 4 Identify short and long term effects of smoking especially on CHD and cancer a Short term effects i Dizziness ii Faintness iii Rapid pulse iv Cold clammy skin v Nausea vi Vomiting vii Diarrhea viii Can either excite or tranquilize the nervous system ix Stimulates the cerebral cortex x Stimulates the adrenal glands to discharge adrenaline xi xii Constricts the blood vessels especially in the skin xiii Accelerates HR and elevates BP xiv Depresses hunger sensations and dulls the taste buds Inhibits the formation of urine b Long term effects walls i Coronary Heart Disease due to developing atherosclerosis ii Stroke a sudden interference with the circulation of blood in a part of the brain resulting in the destruction of brain cells iii Aortic aneurysm a bulge in the aorta caused by a weakening in its iv Pulmonary Heart disease a disorder of the right side of the heart caused by changes in the blood vessels of the lungs v Lung cancer vi Other cancers trachea mouth pharynx esophagus larynx pancreas bladder kidney breast cervix stomach liver colon and skin vii COPD viii Emphysema ix Chronic bronchitis x Peptic ulcers xi Gastroesophageal reflux which causes heartburn xii Erectile dysfunction xiii Reduced fertility xiv Tooth decay xv Gum and periodontal disease xvi Dulls senses of taste and smell xvii Osteoporosis increases risk of complications from diabetes accelerates the course of MS xviii Premature skin wrinkling premature baldness stained teeth 5 What are pack years discolored fingers a Used to determine total dosage of exposure b packs smoked per day X of years smoked Pack years i 1 pack X 12 years 12 ii pack X 24 years 12 iii 2 pack X 6 years 12 c cigs smoked per day 20 cigs per pack X years smoked Pack years 6 Are E cigarettes a safe alternative to tobacco smoking How do they work a Battery powered device that resembles a real cigarette Uses nicotine and other flavoring chemicals as changeable filters instead of tobacco User sucks the filtered end and the battery heats the chemicals causing an inhalable vapor b Appear as if they may be safer but it is not c Less toxic alternative to conventional cigarettes i Delivers nicotine but with less toxic chemicals d The vapor contains known carcinogens and toxic chemicals i Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde e The vaporizing mechanism causes the smokeless tobacco to contain potentially toxic metal nanoparticles f Health consequences are not yet clear g The FDA does not regulate these h Promotes tumor growth i Decrease neurological development of adolescents 7 Discuss how environmental tobacco smoke influences health especially to non smoker a Nonsmokers subjected to ETS frequently develop coughs headaches nasal discomfort and eye irritation b Also complain of sinus problems and breathlessness c Lung cancer and heart disease can be fatal d Can aggravate asthma and increase the risk for breast and cervical cancers e After just 30 mins of exposure to ETS the function in the coronary arteries of healthy nonsmokers is reduced to the same level as that of smokers Infants exposed are more likely f 8 Identify and discuss common behavioral strategies used to quit smoking including their success rate a Cold turkey b Support from others family friends support groups and regular exercise c If a person smokes after a meal maybe going for a walk after a meal instead will distract the person from cravings and eliminates the cues that trigger a desire to smoke d Worrying about weight gain is also associated with quitting i People should and could incorporate exercise into their daily routine to manage weight gain e Free telephone quitlines staffed by trained counselors who help each caller plan a personal quitting strategy usually including a combination of nicotine replacement therapy changes in daily habits and emotional support f Self Help success rate i 40 try to quit in a given year ii 4 7 success rate iii 93 97 relapse rate iv Younger people are more successful 9 Identify and discuss common smoking cessation products used to quit smoking including their success rate a Chantix Varinicline i Reduces nicotine cravings easing the withdrawal process and it blocs the pleasant effects of nicotine ii Acts on neurotransmitter receptors in the brain iii Not a nicotine replacement iv Patient may be advised to continue smoking for the first few days to v Approved course of treatment is 12 weeks but does depend on avoid withdrawal each patient vi Side effects 1 Nausea headaches vomiting sleep disruptions and changes in taste perception 2 Can cause behavioral changes agitation depression suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide b Zyban Bupropion i Antidepressant prescribed under the name Wellbutrin and smoking cessation aid prescribed under the name Zyban ii Eases the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and reduces the urge to smoke iii Acts on neurotransmitter receptors in the brain c Nicotine Replacement Products i User continues to get nicotine so withdrawal symptoms and cravings are reduced of poisons and tars ii Cleaner form of nicotine because it doesn t contain the thousands iii Less product is used over time iv Patches gum lozenges nasal sprays and inhalers v Patch is placed on upper arm or torso and releases a steady stream of nicotine which is absorbed through the skin 1 Changed every 16 24 hours 2 Side effects are skin irritation and redness vi Gum and lozenges can be used whenever the user has a nicotine cravings 1 Side effects include mouth sores and headaches gum or nausea and heart burn lozenges vii Nasal sprays and inhalers are only available by prescription Guest Speaker Joi Alexander Alcohol good things associated with drinking meeting new people
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